

May 24th, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

The world of fairy tales, perhaps, the kindest of all existing worlds. The magic of transformation, the power of speech in animals, princes, princesses, kings and queens, but the most important triumph of good over evil charms, claiming the world of all kinds opportunities and makes us believe in miracles. That's why kids go to fairy tales and very fond of them. And because of this unconditional love of children to fairy tales, the latter are not only literary works but also one of the methods of education and training. Tales of stimulating development of imagination and thought.

Magical world of fairy tales taught to dream. A dream – it is known to be the first step in achieving any goal. Cleverly chosen fairy tale, can unobtrusive way to introduce children to new concepts, broaden his horizons and vocabulary. Fairy tales can help in shaping a child's basic everyday concepts of good and evil, compassion and honesty about the deception and betrayal and so on. But, unfortunately, poorly-written story and can hurt, forcing the child misconceptions about the world.

Therefore, the choice of fairy tales for their child to be approached very seriously and carefully. Before you buy the next book to own at least skim stories, home is best read tales themselves. But the best option tales are stories invented for the kid's parents, his loving mother. After all, mother knows that and why you need to develop in a child with what must be fought, and what to ignore. Here you will find my mother's stories, written for two little girls, their mother. And, if you can not write or you do not have time for this Mother's tales site: – will be your lifesaver! There is a story developing, comforting, informative, instructive and even soporific.

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