Monthly Archives:October 2016


Pablo Jose Hernandez

October 23rd, 2016 / Tags: , , , , / categories: Uncategorized /

In each of the presentations, the length and width of the largest of the Antilles, Camaguey aquatic ballet Acuarium, Dean of the existing ones in the interior of the country, has extraordinarily impressed national viewers and foreign for the originality and quality of its magnificent rhythms executed in water, forming a floating show of particular elegance. There are nine sets of this specialty, of them, two in Camaguey, equal quantity in Havana, and the rest in Varadero, Cienfuegos, Villa Clara, Holguin and Santiago de Cuba in Cuba alone. Members of the aquatic ballet Acuarium, fifth created in Cuba, and the first in the interior of the island, recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of the grouping and are organizing the first National Festival of that specialty, in December 2009, in the city of the big earthenware jars, the provincial capital, about 600 kilometers from Havana. Very well earned headquarters by the prestige that enjoys the company in their demonstrations at national and international events. The distinguished cast Camaguey, it was officially constituted on 2 December 1993 and admitted to performing arts in 2001, released recently show cien x hundred Cuban (alluding to the cultural miscegenation on the island). But its members in the Assembly of Orcas to stalking, piece dedicated to the defense of the environment will be engaged in the coming month of January 2009. Subsequently take to the pool a version based on Romeo and Juliet, in both cases are the scenic creations of the choreographers Pablo Jose Hernandez (director) and Yoemis Lopez.

The company, in its stage start was called mermaids show, because the first dancers were women, hence the original name, but to incorporate men found baptize as Aquarium aquatic ballet. The new format allowed a greater variety of the show, and create in the audience, a sense of satisfaction. Pablo Jose Hernandez has reiterated that what difference those and characterized the rest of aquatic groups across Cuba is that we maintain rather than a folkloric line we turned her, we make representations of different musical genres in the water but his mount is always linked to our roots.


Long Night

October 18th, 2016 / Tags: , , / categories: Uncategorized /

The long night of apostasy when we speak of apostasy, we are referring to the very serious deviations that occurred after the death of the Apostles, deviations which substantially altered the originating of Jesus teachings. the early Church, which was grouped around the Apostles and Maria Magdalene, maintained a very close identity with what had been the teachings of his divine master, teachings that had been shaken to its foundations, to the different priestly of the time orders and tendentious and interpretive monopoly of what became known as the Torah and revolutionized, the law of Moses. The teachings of Jesus Christ during his Ministry, and above all the taught in the Hall high, where commemorated the Easter, were aimed to reaffirm the fundamental principles of its doctrine and put in clear what to do, subsequent to the events which are precipitarian, has from the moment of his arrest, where the plot of the leaders Jews would culminate with a parody of judgement and his immolation at the cross. With this brief and concise introduction, Gabriel and Shulem, have presented us the theme of our meeting, then continue: all you ask the why, we begin in the manner that we did, perhaps, all were thinking, in comenzariamos this topic with a battery of arguments that allow us to demonstrate reliably, mistakes, volunteers have been or notwhich marked the deviation of the path traced by Jesus and his disciples during the Ministry of el Salvador. The reason of our approach is that we intend to leave with our exposure, since its dawn, from the moment in which the disciples, men and women, are faced with the pain, confusion, fear and anguish, a very intense State of depression, caused by the traumatic departure of his divine master.


Che Guevara Historical

October 7th, 2016 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

The USA despises to us deeply. A whistle is worth for them our culture, our native or historical values, watching them, according to its pretensions, like possible objections to its colonizante policy of nationalistic devastations. A reed is worth for them our social leaderships, sovereignties, laws, improvements; on the contrary, they are stones in the way, fences to fall down, them to be able to exert its prerogative of dominion. A nation without sufficiently strong historical and original convictions is for them a strong candidate to colony, power military base or grain. A country without an ingrained one brings back to consciousness historical imagines to him I graze easy for the flames, for the destruction of the little value that can protect. Necessary it is the emptiness, the ignorance, the chaos, them to exert, Machiavellian, his hegemony. A Simon Bolivar bothers, in as much icon of fight by the freedom and against the oppression coming from empires.

Why? Because its single mention, its only memory, invokes equality, mother country, property feelings, of bring back to consciousness and fight against the invader. Of resistance, fact that is to him enormously expensive to the northern country in the eventuality from a domeante war, invasion or expropriation. They are who, in the name of similar imperial hunger, make of the cultural scorn a dominion policy. They are who invent and exert the thesis of the destruction of cultures, military of civilizations. They are who announce and exert the unipensador model in the world, that one that demolishes in a country a statue of the Che Guevara or Sandino to place one of the clown of McDonald" s, and to speak after civil freedom, unit or uniformity, rights, free will and so many other straws instituted in its speeches. They are whom they despise to us. To kill the leader to end the resistance; to set afire the libraries, to end the historical memories; to rob works civilizatorias, the cultural icons, the historical jewels, archaeology, to appear the settlers to him that such are only group of symptoms of an evil memory, of a weak country that was called such, of a notion of so fragile nation that it is an invitation? suppose they? to that the villagers detest to themselves and amen them.