Monthly Archives:June 2019


Soviet Union

June 26th, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Filipows longing after harmony was abruptly ended before she was satisfied. Thanks to various shenanigans It actually arrive with his Orchestra in Paris. Mihileanu raises an interesting aspect of the fraud. Filipov cheats not only to survive, to find back its dignity. He cheats to overcome the circumstances that hold him captive, – to finally to become who he really is.

His guiding principle is harmony. In a key scene he a fellow who holds still on the exterior establishment of a Communist State, makes it clear that was an orchestra like a world in miniature. The musicians create magical sounds, which form a harmony, and if that is the case, the game of the Orchestra have created the true communism. Mihileanu has given a commitment to the music here, as always to hear with Sufis and other Mystics. The unity or harmony of all people and of all beings is a musical, which is not representable with words. This seems to be an order leading up from the outside to, such as the detailed Counterdraft in the Communist Experiments of the last century was tried. After all, one can say, was very high in the Soviet Union the status of the music.

The order induced from outside will be sought by radical Islamic movements and States such as the Iran in this century. The Iran has not only already banned the music teaching in State schools, for half a year the full music teaching ban also applies to private schools. Observers expect an outright ban on music in the Iran in the future. If we look at music as a contribution to the dignity of the human being, each played note is a contribution to solidarity with every single person in the Iran yearning for freedom. Filipov is committed to music. With this goal in mind he inserts everything to achieve the moments of harmony.


Helene Fischer

June 23rd, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

The new download single of Oxana – summer melody by the media as a newcomer today to be perceived? No big record company often is difficult! This is the squirrel just painstakingly nourished was also the likable newcomer Oxana completely clear, when she recorded her first single “Let’s Dance” in January of this year with her producer Denny Fabian. The number was well received, was coupled to a couple of times and placed even in some discos of charts. So bigger then the joy when Oxana learned that they had managed in the ARD show “again Sunday” before large audiences to present their summer hit “Summer Melody”. With 54 to 46% lost to Oxana less than their competitor Anja Schroter, that 5 times already achieved victory in advance and captured the hearts of many fans with your fresh and charming style. “The phone the next day no longer stood still”, so Denny Fabian! ” Everyone wanted to know something about Oxana. “Where did you hide that so long” or “on this Only a few statements were voice we have been waiting for”.

But also critical voices have rated their occurrence as Divenhaft and arrogant! Oxana was suddenly on everyone’s lips. She themselves is overwhelmed by the many letters in the network and the whole fan mail that pulse of music already a few days after the broadcast reached their record company, and is healthy with criticism. “That I too seriously, little relaxing and come over am, in retrospect also immediately noticed that I was crazy to become nervous just minutes after a top star, Helene Fischer especially as it was even made my first appearance as a singer at all!” Now the young retail clerk who still wants to hold on to her job has recorded an entire album that music will appear there in October at pulse music sales, and looks forward to their further way.


Markus Walter Rheinstrasse

June 23rd, 2019 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

However, CSP was less affected than other providers specifically from the downs. We took these economic developments for the occasion, wider to prepare us, rather than remaining dependent on a single market segment. So we might make 2009 even the recession year with sales growth. Apart from our company America but indeed all typical eras concerning it. In the early years, the IT specialists were tasked to replace many paper-based processes with its customers in the automotive industry and using central storage latest data to evaluate, that manufacturing processes can be optimized proactively and continuously. In the next step the trend evolved away from in Windows-based structures and to Web-based solutions with location-independent access to the latest data.

In the course of the year 2000 problem, many applications were created for customers individual new or changed. While in the 1990s the individual-development of software in the Foreground stood, there are today standard solutions, which quickly and efficiently should lead to improvements in processes. A rapid development behind us, when we look back on the first 20 years of our company today. We have kept step not only with the organisational and technical requirements, but the pioneers were often in our markets. For years we have made us, to expand our market position in our major target sectors such as industrial, aviation and banking. To read more click here: Crawford Lake Capital Management. We continue those also want to be, that our customers modern and intelligent software solutions create competitive advantages”, performs CSP founder Hermann Pellkofer.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary, CSP has a Facebook group for 20 years”CSP founded, to customers, partners, employees and interested parties with news around to inform the birthday activities: pages/CSP-GmbH-Co-KG/116150648469521 about CSP GmbH & co. KG: was the CSP GmbH & co. KG founded in 1991 and specializes in innovative software solutions for businesses in the manufacturing, specialized in the retail and services sectors. The company provides to its customers as well as the implementation and customization of standard solutions also comprehensive advice and support. Around the new product line of Chronos for database archiving, CSP offers an extensive range of services companies from all industries. CSP has numerous international reference customers in the industry. Among other things, group, Audi, Daimler, Lufthansa trust BMW technology logistics, Deutsche Telekom, General Motors, Porsche, Volvo, Chrysler, Renault, VW, Knorr brake and Bosch on the solutions of the company. Contact address: CSP GmbH & co. KG Mr. Hermann Pacheco mens Qamar Street 11 94431 Grosskollnbach Tel: + 49 (0) 9953/3006-0 fax: + 49 (0) 9953 / 3006-50 E-mail: Internet: PR Agency: Walter Visual PR GmbH Mr. Markus Walter Rheinstrasse 99 65185 Wiesbaden Tel.: 06 11 / 2 38 78 – 0 fax: 06 11 / 2 38 78 – 23 E-mail: Internet:

Virus protection software for Android Smartphone with an integrated Web security feature Holzwickede, June 22, 2011 BitDefender ( recently announced the start of the public trial of its mobile security BETA. To better protect smartphone users, the virus protection expert has now integrated a special Web-security function in the solution. The feature in time warns the user if a website contains malicious malware. Each page is immediately blocked, so that the risk of infection will be banned from the outset. Mobile Security BETA can be downloaded directly at, and it can be installed. The new BitDefender software keeps the user about the current threat condition of smartphones to date. Mobile Security BETA has been specifically designed for Android smartphones and uses the latest BitDefender cloud-scanning technology.

This ensures that the user must transmit not complete scan engine including required program extensions on his mobile device. The scanning process will only then start when a suspicious action is perceived by the software. This also conserves system resources as well as the battery. Timely warning for contaminated sites the newly integrated feature now also protects the user from malware infections. It checks every single Web link quickly and invisibly”in the background, without that user will receive with something like this. Accordingly, the BitDefender database is constantly updated. Sites that may pose a threat, can be revoked promptly in future even before the particular pest has the chance to settle on the system.

The risk, that also smartphones running the virus become infected, has increased enormously in recent years due to the immense Internet use of via mobile devices”, stated Alexandru Balan, senior product manager at BitDefender. The user awareness that even their mobile phones with viruses, Trojans & co. can be infected, remains low. BitDefender mobile security is based on our many years of experience as a developer of more reliable security solutions.” Bugs and General feedback of the tester to the development team under be communicated. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since 2001, BitDefender is a industry-wide pioneer in the development of award-winning protection technologies. Every day, the virus protection expert protects computer many million residential and business customers around the world. This BitDefender sells its security solutions worldwide on a wide VAD and reseller network. In the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and other European countries received BitDefender multiple major awards Warentest, ConsumerSearch, which, for example, by the Foundation? and Taenk. The BitDefender Antivirus technology beyond reaching peaks in detailed investigations by the independent Institute AV test and AV-Comparatives. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products available online in the press center. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at. For more information see. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str. 2 D-59439 Holzwickede contact person: Hans-Peter Lange PR Manager Tel.: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-330 fax: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-499 email: PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact: Fabian Sprengel Tel.: + 49 (0) 2661 91260-0 E-Mail:


Kinderparties Panels

June 11th, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Kids love panels. So far nothing new. For some years a clearly discernible trend to costume parties for children apparent however. More and more children’s birthday, Club parties, or Klassenparties held costumes. “Panels are no longer only in the Carnival,” says Hartmut Menden, Managing Director of the Cologne decoration specialist business DEKOlife.

“Mothers who plan a children’s Party and this search for the right costumes come to us more and more often. Panels are the stampede at the little”Menden next. But not all costumes are equally popular. The three top-selling costumes include: Tip 1: Corsair suitable to the current movie “Pirates of the Caribbean 4” are pirate costumes at the kids up in the course. Straight guys love than to roam the seven seas or the living room privateer. This lot don’t include, to transform itself into a dangerous pirate: eyepatch, hand hooks, Sabre and striped shirt is half the battle. Tip 2: Indians Indian costumes are simply immortal.

What was great fun already parents in childhood, is also in times of PlayStation and Facebook still said: the classic cowboy and Indians game. Indian costumes are popular with boys and girls alike. A beautiful black wig, feather headdress, trousers and vest, are already upon the little Indians. Accessories such as peace pipes, Tomahawks and jewelry complete the costume. Tip 3: fairy tale also fairytale costumes never fail to their effect. A children’s Party with the slogan “Seven dwarfs” or “Princesses party” missed their effect not with security. The selection of themes and panels is as big as your own imagination. Fairy wings, wands, Knight’s armor, or pointed caps create instant fairytale feeling and will remain long in the memory the little ones. “The special feature of Verkleidungsparties is, if children can later take her disguise home” recommends Menden. “The party does not remain so long only in the” Memory, but can be continued at any time. Some parents have told, that the small party guests even weeks after the celebration of the costumes equipped meeting and continue the adventure. An once purchased costume becomes the permanent top seller amongst the kids.”

About one-third without private liability insurance are still. Many liability policies is no longer up-to-date. Because there were some changes in the insurance market in recent years, insurance should look now if they pay too much or whether changes need to be made. A lot has happened in the last two years. Who has insured the liability, which should now take its police out of the closet and carefully go through. Decisive criterion for most insured persons is of course the post. There are now many new insurance products, which are cheaper and offer more performance.

If you pay too much, with a free online comparison of the personal liability insurance, you can check easily and quickly. A more favourable insurance is found, you can complete also online this. Who compares in the Internet, which should take care in the form of comparison that that the services be dialed correctly. A liability for damage to persons and together 3 million euro to pay, should be extended at least to 5. It is advisable to consider the participation of self critically. If this a massive saving is possible, one can consider them.

However, the amount of the excess should be chosen deliberately so that it finally is not at all mishaps self-payers. The agreement of a failure cover may also be very useful. It pays if one is damaged, the culprit but has no own liability insurance and is insolvent (bankruptcy). Unfortunately, this case happens only too often. Finally still a third of Germans have no personal liability insurance. In fact, this important insurance in every household should exist. Who must pay damages of a liability liability, can ruin this for decades financially and harm to their own future development. Because it is liable for a damage with his entire personal fortune until the damage is fully paid. Since personal injury several million euros expensive can be, everyone should spend a few euros a month for a private liability insurance. The policies are available already for under 2 euros. That should be its future worth each.


Change Insurance

June 8th, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

An introduction to private health insurance is more attractive for many advantages and problems as a result of increased contributions, additional contributions and reduced performance of the statutory health insurance. Since there are now fewer hurdles, a change indeed for more voluntarily legally insured is eligible. Yet such a decision with caution should be taken, because there are problems in this area. The insurance Portal reported what should be considered when changing. A private insurance is desirable for many.

The year working pay limit is expected to be reduced and in future only once again must be exceeded, the entry in the private health insurance for some within reach is putting. But the conditions and especially the services of private insurance are different. So, including the cost of administration and sales for this are crucial if a private insurance is ultimately worth. The business magazine has the falling Handelsblatt Sales and administration costs of the 20 leaders are investigated. The result is sobering: every new customer costs an average of more than 10,000 euros. These costs are higher, the more must be saved to the insured, to back up the resulting financial hole. In such cases, even premium increases are not unlikely. In addition, power cuts can be implemented to the detriment of the insured.


Guide Payment

June 4th, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

The decisive advantage is thus readily available capital. Of them, for example, an expensive treatments abroad, reconstruction measures or other purchases could be financed. The decisive disadvantage, but at the same point. Once capital, then no further payments. The disability insurance is a full coverage. This is no matter the reason of occurrence and a full protection is provided for the offence of the disability. But (except for a few tariffs and options), there is no one-off payment, but the payment of a pension until the end of the contract term. The advantage is in a long-term protection and the securing of income over the entire contract period.

The BU pension replaces the current earned income. The ideal product?:… would be a mix of both. If it the financial resources allow, a combination can be selected. For example, a one-off payment of EUR 100,000 to cover expenses of all sudden expenses and to bridge can pension be used to the BU (if because it’s one of the defined diseases). Following appropriate occupational disability insurance should exist yet, so that the running costs are covered. Also for an insured person where the profession can be undefined (self-employed persons who have multiple companies and / or way multi-layered activities, not clearly outline which itself can be), or those who do not get a hedge against the disability due to ill health, recommended an assessment of insurability in the dread disease insurance. This is, however, necessarily pay attention to the appropriate amount of the sum of insured.

For a one-off payment of EUR 500,000 and an assumed interest rate of 3%, the plant a pension (lifelong) from 1,250 EUR per month would be for capital preservation at least. This can be, depending on the age of the insured person, as capital consumption estimate itself. Thus, a universal recommendation cannot be given. You should deal with the protection of the worker or of serious diseases, please consult the best a specialized consultant. Further information: Guide to securing disability eligibility criteria for the disability insurance blog posts around the disability

In a webinar of the Machwurth team International (MTI), Visselhovede, Manager learn the value system analysis instrument values-profile know and make use of change projects. What is important to our employees? What values do they let guides their actions? Business leaders face such questions again and again for example, when it comes to strategy implementation projects, to determine the need for cultural change in their organization and to win the employee as a competitor. A tool that helps companies respond to these questions, is that values-profile. With this computer – and Web-based analytics tool, companies can determine what motivates your employees and drives, to derive from it, for example human resources development measures. Also you can check in with this scientifically valid analytical instrument, to what extent their organization from the desired target culture is culture is different, this building from the development measures to plan and control the change project.

How to work with the Values – profile works, find interested in a Webinar that performs the global Machwurth team International (MTI), Visselhovede, on 2 December 18 until 19:30. In the 90-minute expert talk of labor and organizational psychologist and value system specialist of Dr. Egbert child and the MTI consultant Ute Leopold the participants explain first on what scientific basis there is the analysis instrument. Then, they show how the tool is designed and used for example to the team formation and development, to analyze and resolve conflicts, as well as to the planning and control of change and strategy implementation projects. Also describe the two consultants on a practical example, as an internationally operating company with the values-profile works. Then they answer the remaining questions of the participants in a round of talk. The number of participants in the webinar is limited to ensure an intense work and a lively exchange of experience.

The participation is free of charge. Are required only a Internet-enabled PC and a phone. Organization developer, interested (project) Manager and executives and staff can register until 20 November at the Machwurth team international. Contact person is Anna Maria Cross (Tel.: 04262/93 12 18;) Email:).


Program Spytel Microphone

June 1st, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Dynamic hard capsule, for example, can be drop through the vent pipe from the roof and a flat crystal microphone brought under the door bottom. If these loopholes are not available, use electrical outlets that are in adjacent rooms are sometimes paired. Removing boxes from one outlet to another, access, and through it – to a nearby room. Sometimes it makes sense to drill the wall, making micro-holes, imperceptible to foreign eyes, or use the keyhole. For sophisticated versions of such a specific tonkotrubkovy, or needle-in microphone, the sound is fed through a thin tube about thirty centimeters in length. Program Contact Spytel v.2.0.2 microphone perfect example such a device – an ordinary medical stethoscope coupled (to improve sensitivity) with a suitable microphone capsule, which is connected to a sensitive amplifier. Sometimes, of course, you can do one stethoscope, without any electronics. Very high quality probes are obtained from piezo-ceramic heads, players, or standard pezoizluchateley – electric clock, sonic toys, souvenirs and phones.

Since these devices intersect microvibrations contact barriers, requires very careful to choose their place of application, depending on the specific design features of the wall. Sometimes it makes sense firmly glued to the piezo accessible side of the wall or to the outside glass frame. Excellent acoustic signal can sometimes be removed from water pipes radiators. Improvised resonators Intercept of the negotiations can often be adjacent areas without special equipment, only a coincidence that a glass of liquor on hand (or glass), the rim is pressed tightly against the wall and bottom (butt feet) – close to the ear. The resulting sound is strongly dependent both on the state, structure walls and the configuration of the device material (better – crystal).

There are other options for listening, applying, for example, sent long-range shot 'radiopuli' modulation of the laser beam micro-vibration of window glass, side intercept electromagnetic radiation of radio everyday, non-contact activation of passive microwave emitters … These techniques, however, a professional complex, they are not recommended for use improvised. To create a 'bug' myself, but a great desire, no need to almost nothing. Scheme is better to take out bugs several books (a series of books' spy stuff ") or the Internet. Books contain many mistakes, God forbid, to every other circuit bug worked. Details are best ordered by catalog from Germany choice huge range of prices too. And another negative – must wait 2-4 weeks receipt of order. If you do exactly what the scheme is correct, then immediately buy the SMD components (very small size), if – no, it is best to gather the schema using the normal part, and then transferred to the board. Program Spytel v.2.0.2