
Relevant Paper

May 31st, 2019 / / categories: Uncategorized /

In second place is the branch of Justice, where a person tries to bring a lawsuit or complaint and should be appended as a minimum in your record of explanation an average 20 sheets must be to which an average of 6 copies of each sheet to be handed over to the relevant court, and this in turn in response delivers the same documentation tripled in volume where transcribed all the articles of a law. In third place are all the entities providing medical services, which must carry a checkbook for each patient who is submitted to request a service of formulas, photocopies. Documents, etc and if it is an authorization must repeat the same task in all aspects, as who says in a consultation with specialists medical patient should carry a ream of paper to be able to be cared for. You are still in this place, banks, schools, ministries and whether any companies or entities as job boards, drugstores, etc. chain stores And so every day will bleeding the planet with this unjustified felling of trees to satisfy our ego keep big warehouses of material that eventually will be rolling back and end touches carried bonfire to pollute more environmentally friendly. Which is to say that the modernization, the Internet, hard disks, the databases in the end technology is useless, because rather than check this class documentation in these elements that gives us the same science and the invention of the human being to facilitate our life and care for the environment in which we live we do not. Because we’re not conscientious in all parts of the world and use this tool that facilitates us the work, which prevents maintain large wineries of alleged file storage and maintain paperless trash baskets. How easy it is to save all this series of documents on a memory, a hard disk, a file on the computer, etc.

Would be easier to anyone with only a click can get all the information you need without needing to carry a cargo of paper to fulfill an activity. Lawyers could only bring your personal computer with the CDS that used in the case, the ministries dictate their lead in memoirs expandable and consultations medical only they would be through the document of identification of persons or this document, is used for that is it another way to recycle paper in our pockets to continue polluting the environment. Is time that States of the world become aware and really protect the environment, not only commit themselves to issue laws for protection of the environment using the thousands of trees to make the paper that will issue these laws. Use the media cybernetic, collaborate with the destruction of the ‘ planet and care of natural resources as it should be without prejudice to future generations. It cares for the environment, do not fell trees, since with them improves our quality of life, remain the rivers and climate will return to normal. It is the concern that I leave to the conscience of the world, reason and can tell if it’s true we are destroying the environment original author and source of the article.

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