Tag Archive: by the tripartite foundation education


Even today, many companies are unaware of the Tripartite Foundation and the money they have available to spend on training each year. The Tripartite Foundation is a public body that manages the credit to the training of all businesses. Businesses, social security contributions for training, the payroll of all workers, we can see the discounts that are made every month for this reason and that are aimed at the Tripartite Foundation. From January to December, the company is listed on Social Security by training, and from next January, you can get in training for their workers. TSI International Group is open to suggestions. nfo. To recover the amount the company has paid to the Tripartite Foundation, workers must perform some type of training (course, master, seminar …) in any of the forms of training (classroom, distance learning, e-learning …).

A worker who performs the training, you must have a contract, according to the General Rules of Workers. The form of recall is the following, the company must pay the amount of training before the end of this to the educational institution, the educational institution (or other entity authorized by organizing the Tripartite Foundation) deal with the request of the company to include such training among the training activities of the company reclaimed by the Tripartite Foundation, which after completion of the action, the company will be notified that you can recover the amount. To recover, the company must include in Social Security the same month of completion in the box training discounts (601) the amount to reclaim or recover.