Tag Archive: women's health


Health Beauty

January 5th, 2023 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

"Daily grooming takes much less time than the complaints of tired and deficiencies in the exterior", – says Olga. The first thing to do with the onset of autumn frosts – is to start using nutrient cream. Summer skin needs abundant moisture in the fall and winter – in the diet. When choosing a face cream, pay attention to its structure, rather than the bright packaging and advertisements promising. The cream should not be binding, "heavy". By Take the opportunity probe. If after the application of sweat appeared on his face, so the cream does not suit you.

Do not be afraid of the age makeup, you can begin using it since 25 years. Click Dropbox to learn more. After all, some skin problems, to which apply early aging, it is easier to prevent than to correct later. The order of the daily care of the person must be: 1. Cleansing wash, gel or foam. 2.

Tonic without alcohol. 3. Serum. 4. Cream. Should use day and night creams. Apply the massage lines light patting movements. In winter's day to put the cream should not later than 1 hour before going outside, and at night – 2 hours before bedtime. 5. Exfoliation once or twice a week. 6. Eye Cream. Applied to the upper and lower eyelid at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the ciliary accurate movements without stretching the skin. Remember: before applying the following tools to give a good soak in the previous one. As you can see, procedures are quite simple and takes less than 10 minutes a day.