
Western Leads

May 4th, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Man. must no longer play for the other, but be yourself. This leads to a pleasure-denying culture. As a result, people in unisex-trekking and outdoor are in German-speaking cities-clothes with aluminum teapots on the road, when we lived in the barren mountains. Whether this leads to a better world, remains open it does not lead to a more beautiful. The goal is to be empty and to find what was reserved for once mystical elites themselves.

That we have become simpler and less at the end of the movement, after the purge of the old rituals, almost as a ritual beggar, matches the intent, the British anthropologist Mary Douglas wrote decades ago. Easier and less is implied without being guilty. As a wealthy elite buys himself free of guilt such as eco taxes on flights or by she eats in the Zurich restaurant “Not Guilty”. The principle is based on self-control and discipline: it must not come to sin, resulting in a constant control of the own lusts requires. Their guilt will be awarded after an ear confession Catholics. Therefore Sin more easily! The development reflects of a profound shift of the value is ideals = values worlds. If some young people about the thirsty drink and rioting, the policy discussed ban reflexively a collective drinking. To know more about this subject visit Drew Houston.

Each problem is social, as if the individual were a discontinued model. Individual freedoms that have long been fought, are rolled flat. The once-subversive spirit of the 1968 generation who lived in promiscuity and drug use, has given way to green dream of self-sufficiency and triefender morality. Multiplex cinemas, shopping malls, high-rise buildings, etc are demonized. This trail leads to Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his Sacralization of the nature: what we we have acquired through socialization and acculturation, should we get rid. But also Deculturation is not free of culture; It is culture, a very Western and Calvinist, which covets universalizing will run up against its limits in a multi-polar world.

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