Monthly Archives:December 2016


Humanist Accomplishment

December 11th, 2016 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

The humanismo is a cultural, European movement, that it had its origin in century XIV and was on to the Renaissance. From there the term if generalized, being able to be applied to any science that places the man in the center of its concerns; this is the applicable adjective in Psychology better Humanist or saying of the Humanismo in Psychology. Who brought the Humanismo to Psychology was the founder of the not directive aconselhamento or the therapy centered in the customer, Carl Rogers; whose central element of its theory is the concept of ' ' eu' ' (Self). Rogers perceived the importance of ' ' eu' ' through its experiences with customers in psycotherapies, in which ' ' eu' ' he was seen for it as an organized standard of perceptions, feelings, attitudes and values that the individual believes to be solely its. In a generalized manner ' ' eu' ' if it exactly relates to the auto-image or an awareness of itself. Beyond ' ' eu' ' &#039 also exists for Rogers; ' I ideal' ' that it is mentioned to the set of the characteristics that the individual would desire to be able to complain as descriptive of same itself, that is, means the person as would like to be. The well adjusted individuals would be those that very possess a next correspondence between ' ' eu' ' ' ' I ideal' '.

Rogers believes the trend for accomplishment, that is, the human being has natural trend to decide its capacity. This if makes through the effort in the direction of the congruence between ' ' eu' ' the experience; the experience in this direction mentions the lived, active, changeable aspect to it of the sensorial and physiological events that if produce in the organism. In this the basic enrichment of the activity of the organism is the accomplishment, maintenance and enrichment of the Self.