Monthly Archives:July 2020


US Corporation Number

July 27th, 2020 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Extended service for the founder of US corporations at no extra charge. “Many clients who form a US Corporation of United States, order a U.S. telephone number with the appropriate US area code directly with”, explains Dirk T. Schnoeckelborg, Managing Director, Europe. “Therefore, we have expanded the scope of our most popular formation package for US founder of the company. Our clients while other Grundungsdienstleister for switching a US phone number for a U.S. Corporation or LLC require up to 50,00 euros in the month, receive this now for orders of the Foundation package “Plus” free – including forwarding of incoming calls to Europe.” From many years of consulting experience, we have put together service packages, which keep costs low for a company in the United States and contain everything you need to successfully launch of your new company.

If you set up your US company of United States, you will now get a in addition to the industry’s most comprehensive advice unbeatable price advantage. Contact “Plus” us during our free initial consultation on the start up package. This includes, in addition to the described value your own US phone number for your company in the United States: complete establishment of your U.S. Corporation or LLC: in the position Foundation, all services are included, and to enter your own company in the United States legally to make: check company name availability and evt. Trademarks processing of articles of incorporation preparation of bylaws Constitution the founding requests registration in the State Register (register of corporations) all State establishment fees handling of all legal formalities of Protocol and decisions of the prescribed first meetings receive of all documents of registered agent: the registered agent is used as a contact the authorities and must maintain in the respective State an Office, which is also manned during usual office hours for any adjacent deliveries.


National Park

July 19th, 2020 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

This if made by means of the creation of the first public agency, in 1910, destined to deal with the aboriginal questions and responsible for tutoring them: the Service of Protection to Indians – S.P.I., idealized and implemented for Rondon Marshal. This agency guarantee the philosophy of national integration, supported by means of the influences proceeding from the philosophical theory of the positivismo – conceptual reference of the time – in which to indian was imposed the culture of the effective social context from the swaggerer who praised the cultural assimilation. With developing of the Republic, the Constitution of 1934 foresees in art. 129, that the ownership of lands of the intitled indians, would have to be respected since that the indians there were permanently located. At this moment, it is declared unfeasibility of commercialization of aboriginal lands in accord to the rules of the relative granted legal incapacity to the indians. In 1961, in the government of Jnio Pictures, from the creation of the National Park of the Xingu, it had the alteration of the lines of direction that guided the treatment of the aboriginal questions, that of form more respectful human being and to the found multiple diversity between the diverse aboriginal communities, opens way for the posterior legislaes.

Ahead of a description permeado for corruption stories, in 1967 S.P.I. is substituted by the National Foundation of the Indian? FUNAI, that although to give continuity to integralista character of the actions praised for the previous agency, marks the beginning of the legal definitions that perfazem conceptualizations of recognition to the aboriginal peoples, approaching aspects of the ethnic, territorial identity, added to the health and education of the indian. In the threshold of the Brazilian military dictatorship, in 1969, the busy lands for the aboriginal peoples had appeared as pertaining to the Union, without possibility of ownership on the part of the aboriginal communities.


International Air Transport

July 9th, 2020 / / categories: Uncategorized /

In June, the association International Air Transport (IAT) had already advanced that losses in the sector would fall between 2,300 and 6,100 million. Now losses announced that around 5,200 million dollars and that in 2009 will be over 4,100 million.

He also reported that air traffic in July fell 1.9%, a figure that frightens taking into account that is the lowest in five years.

The association attributed the losses to oil prices and reduced demand for tickets. ey to learn more. The have been made based on an average price of a barrel of oil of $ 113, ie $ 40 per barrel more than in 2007.



National Demand

July 5th, 2020 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

The research certified that in 2005 practical the dutch feminine demand for tourist was of (25.0%) and this growing vertiginously with (34.6%) in 2008. The average individual income of this group is of U$ 4,273, 91 and is demanded, how much to the trip, for the search of the leisure (42.7%); in the search for abundant sun and beaches (45.8%) it takes up quarters almost in the totality in hotels, flats and inns (54.1%). The group not trend to an extreme expense, with an average daily demand of U$ 71,86 for the leisure. In the national demand, about 11,3% of the dutch tourists they prefer $fortaleza-CE for distinct reasons (other reasons) (4.2%) for reason business-oriented, events or conventions. Table 05: Study of the dutch tourist group Adult Categories of Anlise% Sort Masculino65,4 (the 41 50 26,3 years) Composition of the Group (alone) 38,6 Motivations (leisure) 42,7 Type of Lodging (hotels, flats and inns) 54.1 Option for $fortaleza-CE in relation the National Demand (other reasons) 11,3 Option for $fortaleza-CE in relation National Demand (businesses, events and conventions) 4,2 Source: Personal elaboration (database: National secretariat of Politics of the Tourism, the 2010) study of the French tourist group is characterized, thick way, for the superior masculine demand (63.3%), with age varying between 32 and 40 years (22.2%), alone (44.7%) in second or more visits to Brazil (52.3%), with (45.6%) in level of academic after-graduation. However analyzing the period between 2004 and 2008, we verify a retrocession when the composition of the group, since, in 2004 had a majority of French families travelling probably of vacation for Brazil, that is, about (33.5%) surpassing the solitary adventure in that period that was of (28.0%). The great majority searchs the leisure as motivador factor of displacement (38.3%), however, the businesses, events and conventions arrive (26.0%) followed of close for motivations others (other motivations) with (35.7%).