Monthly Archives:April 2014

soIT will take medium-sized companies with powerful groupware for an efficient team work technologies from Lubeck ahead soIT, the software and consulting for open source, supports companies in the Midmarket with license-free, “turn-key” solutions for the collaboration within the team. Open-Xchange is the information and knowledge headquarters of companies and combines E-Mail, appointment, contact, and task management with intelligent document management. Open-Xchange is the perfect alternative to the MS Exchange Server or to hosted Exchange and much cheaper! soIT is open xchange on medium-sized companies, educational institutions and public administrations, which are looking for a communications solution that is tailored to their individual needs. Open-Xchange depicts the appointment, task, contact and E-Mail management in a Web interface that is clear and practical. The Open-Xchange server with its range has become a serious competitor for Microsoft’s Exchange Server. On request, soIT extended the solution based on customer-specific requirements with an ERP integration or business figures with traffic light function.

Due to the interfaces that are used in Open-Xchange can be accessed on a variety of other applications. Open-Xchange users can edit next to emails on the way personal appointments, contacts and tasks. Because Open-Xchange supports BlackBerry, iPhone, Nokia and Windows Mobile of also smartphones by HTC, as well as mobile devices using the Android operating system 2.1 and 2.2. To Bernt Penderak, Managing Director of soIT GmbH: With Open-Xchange users get access to all of their business and personal data anytime, anywhere, and with almost any mobile device. Open-Xchange is the central platform for all digital communications. Open, transparent, award-winning and cost-effective.” About soIT soIT GmbH, software and system House in Lubeck, brings over 20 years of experience in the areas of software development and consulting on all major platforms including Windows, UNIX and Linux. soIT convinces with high expertise, comprehensive service and practice-oriented know-how transfer.

The long-term customers include leading companies in the automotive industry, auto parts and plumbing supplies, as well as other industries. The services range from interface programming system technology to individual solutions. Are based on the own products and solutions in the areas of customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning and inventory management, as well as open-source developments. The solutions help to improve work processes within the company, to build fast communication channels, and to provide comprehensive information both inside and field sales as customers, suppliers and partners. Furthermore, management and archiving, ICT and IT-Security operates soIT as a system integrator in the fields of documents. Starting point are hardware based on standard technologies and software solutions from leading vendors like Alfresco Software Ltd, Citrix Systems GmbH, IBM Kaspersky Labs GmbH, Germany GmbH, wincor Nixdorf International GmbH, which cover not only systems and integrate, but also contribute to business process optimization. Bernt Penderak soIT GmbH Spengler str. 6 23556 Lubeck telephone: 0451 / 399 46-0 fax: 0451 / 399 46-32


New partner program provides faster data access and new opportunities for the partners of Utrecht, Netherlands – stellar data recovery B.V.., a global provider of data recovery services and software, has launched an enhanced partner program for the European market. The company had 2009 presented its first partner program, with the IT service providers and IT retailers expanded their business to a data recovery service. Allowing partners to offer the entire range of the data recovery services under their own name or the name of stellar. The partners had so the advantage to use their trusted and well known address in case of data recovery. With the new and improved affiliate program, all customers can send their data recovery cases directly into the online partner environment.

All cases in the context of the new partner program priority be given by the fully automated management. The new program also provides a number of software packages for advanced data recovery partners and customers. The partners of stellar Place data recovery to expand are in a unique position, all benefits packages make use of and their business with powerful and immediate. The extremely attractive discounts and commissions, which create a financial win-win situation for all parties involved remain part of the partner program”, said Kees Jan Meerman, Chief Operations Officer at stellar data recovery B.V.. The stellar partner program is open to all IT service providers in Europe, for example, in countries such as United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Italy and Spain. About stellar data recovery stellar data recovery on the world of sophisticated data recovery software and data recovery services provides. Stellar has 100, as well as the most comprehensive range of self developed software tools for data recovery Labs with over one hundred F & professionals and experts in data recovery, several clean room of class in most European countries, the United States and India. Stellar offers full Data recovery solutions in all cases of data loss. Contact information: Kees Jan Meerman / Chief operations officer under den Linden 21 10117 Berlin Germany Tel: 030 692 008 300 fax: 030 692 008 309 E-Mail:


Itabira West

April 7th, 2014 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

The contained volume of water in accordance with varies the size of the fiction and the hydraulical condutividade if of the one by means of the interconnection of these imperfections. Generally it is aqufero that possesss a thick mantle of alteration and water of excellent quality (potable). It is constituted by igneous and metamrficas rocks that arise in the ferrfero Quadrilateral. It is verified, in small ratio, the presence of crsticos aquferos in dolomitos, however little developed, had low the dissolution of the dolomticas rocks. The mixing aqufero is, predominantly constituted of metamrficas rocks, whose action of the intemperismo provided a secondary intergranular porosity to the fissurais spaces. It can be verified in the Formations Cau and Cercadinho to the west of the city (IBRAM, 2003).

From PICTURE 1, the characteristics of the systems of aquferos are synthetically verified to granulate, fissurados and mixing, and the occurrence region. For these data, one sees that most of the city presents low potential for underground water use, as it can be observed of (FIG. 4). Picture 1? Characterization of the aquferos systems of Itabirito.Sistema geologic aquferoUnidadeUnidade associadRegio and percentage of occurrence in the municpioPotencial hidrogeolgicoQualidade of the aluvial guasGranularSedimentos and coluviaisDepsitos aluvionares and of terraces, sand, silte, clay and gravel. Coluviais detrticas coverings. About 3% of occurrence in regions esparsas the west, next the Mountain range to the Currency. AltoBoFissuradoRochas metapelticas, xistosas, quartzticas, igneous and metamrficas of high degree. Aquferos crsticos.

Supergroup Mines (Group Caraa, Piracicaba, Itabira. Supergroup River of the Old ones (New Group Rasp, Schemes). Complex Bao (gnaisses),31% granite-gnaissico – region of the Bao Complex. 36% shale – adjacent region to the Bao, limited the west for the Mountain range of the Currency. 12% quartzitos – the northeast is placed predominantly. 5% crstico in dolomitos. – region of the Mountain range of the Moeda.BaixoBoMistoRochas itabirticas and quartzticas. Itabiritos of the Group Itabira – Fm Cau and Piracicaba – Fm Cercadinho,12% itabiritos and quartzitos – portion west.


Frank Biermann

April 3rd, 2014 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

on the corporate planning of mobileObjects AG 2012 Buren, 06.03.2012. Frank Biermann, Executive sales and marketing mobileObjects AG, are views over the business activities and objectives of the mobileObjects AG this year. “The year of 2012 promises to be a very exciting and eventful year. The entire market, by simple location boxes to high-end solutions, is currently determined by a high momentum and is in constant change. In this market the mobileObjects AG has a very broad product portfolio, which evolves constantly and purposefully.” Best customer-oriented and technologically valuable we are also will be able to adapt quickly to changing market situations and to meet customer needs more effectively. Our goal is to offer always the best telematics solution for him to the customer. This requires both a high degree of personal initiative and flexibility all properties that are on the mobileObjects AG and its employees, apply to. Flexibility creates a new product, and another important step to increase mobility is our new product mOTelematix “.

The software consists of a Web-based management unit and any number of clients. Thus the client from a normal location box, a location box with display can be one on Apple (Garmin Nuvi), iOS and Android based software with order management including message communication, as well as various value-added services and reports exist if you will, a modular All-In-one solution! Service provider – there are our longtime experience due to our many years of experience in the service sector are we increasingly focus in the future to these responsibilities and the associated processes. Target should always be there to take orders in the mobility and due to the added value it generates to the respective companies. Continuously develop telematics systems for shippers In the area of the freight forwarding industry we use, even in the Past, specifically on the further development of our software modules. “It has already in the past year with the development of the start checks for truck and trailor” and the module loader replacement and tracking “positive impact made. Sales and partner structure heavily expanding also is planned, unsereVertriebsstrukturen continue to build out new partnerships to promote and existing partnerships as for example with the company of EGO-FTS (Norbert Walla) continues to deepen. We will push ahead more dialogue also with our customers, to respond to the wishes and needs of the market and each customer thus even more targeted.”


Gillette Stadium

April 2nd, 2014 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

EP the friendly second of their tour by America will end the season of ‘ Roja’. Spain has prevailed in previous both friendly before ‘ Vinotinto’. After the debut of Borja Bullet mold, this Tuesday could be the turn of Manu of the Moral. The Spanish selection of soccer ends east Tuesday its season with its friendly second of its tour by America against Venezuela (22,30 hours), before which it wants to the past extend to the good sensations offered before the United States Saturday. In Gillette Stadium, the champion of the last world forgot her bad image the friendly ones and coiled to a one of her twigs of last the four years, rival of certain organization and that she played with the support of his liking. Now, before ” Vinotinto” , that will give the one hundred percent to give a joy to president Hugo Chavez, the Spanish selector, who could become the technician with more triumphs to the front of the national combined one, with 39, will make foreseeably many rotations to distribute the minutes after one season loaded. Thus, after the past Saturday made debut Borja Bullet mold, surely it will be the turn of Manu of the Moral, whereas in portera, the azulgrana Victor Buckets has many problems to leave titling in front of Iker Squares, also substitute in Foxboro.

Dnsa lateral Iraola and Capdevila could enter in, with Marchena giving the rest to some of the central holders, and in center of the field, Xabi Alonso could be reserved after playing the ninety minutes in Boston and Silva, however, yes could repeat after its great action. He arrives, Fernando Towers, that were eeted again with the goal, and Fernando Llorente, unpublished before the Americans, will fight by a position in a party in which Spain will have to also face a high temperature and much humidity in the stage Jose Antonio Anzotegui.


Gillette Stadium

April 2nd, 2014 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

EP the friendly second of their tour by America will end the season of ‘ Roja’. Spain has prevailed in previous both friendly before ‘ Vinotinto’. After the debut of Borja Bullet mold, this Tuesday could be the turn of Manu of the Moral. The Spanish selection of soccer ends east Tuesday its season with its friendly second of its tour by America against Venezuela (22,30 hours), before which it wants to the past extend to the good sensations offered before the United States Saturday. Learn more about this with TSI International Group. In Gillette Stadium, the champion of the last world forgot her bad image the friendly ones and coiled to a one of her twigs of last the four years, rival of certain organization and that she played with the support of his liking. Now, before ” Vinotinto” , that will give the one hundred percent to give a joy to president Hugo Chavez, the Spanish selector, who could become the technician with more triumphs to the front of the national combined one, with 39, will make foreseeably many rotations to distribute the minutes after one season loaded. Thus, after the past Saturday made debut Borja Bullet mold, surely it will be the turn of Manu of the Moral, whereas in portera, the azulgrana Victor Buckets has many problems to leave titling in front of Iker Squares, also substitute in Foxboro.

Dnsa lateral Iraola and Capdevila could enter in, with Marchena giving the rest to some of the central holders, and in center of the field, Xabi Alonso could be reserved after playing the ninety minutes in Boston and Silva, however, yes could repeat after its great action. He arrives, Fernando Towers, that were eeted again with the goal, and Fernando Llorente, unpublished before the Americans, will fight by a position in a party in which Spain will have to also face a high temperature and much humidity in the stage Jose Antonio Anzotegui. Read more from Mark Stevens to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Venezuela, with the America Glass in the Venezuela head is immersed within the preparations of the America Glass, that gives to beginning next July in Argentina. The men of Caesar Faras want to begin to improve its benefits to try the classification to be released in a mundialista appointment, the one of 2014 in Brazil. Combined South American, in that three players participate who evolve in Spain like Miku (Getafe), Rondn (Malaga) or Dani Hernandez (Murcia), besides Juan Arango, ex- of the Majorca, aspires to pose problems to the champion of the world, that has prevailed in previous both friendly before the Venezuelans. Thus, in 1981, he visited to them in Caracas to defeat to them by 0-2 with so many of Juanito and Satrstegui, whereas in 2004, Las Palmas, in the opening of Aragonese Luis, ” Roja” one prevailed by 3-2 with so many of Morientes and Tamudo (2).