Monthly Archives:March 2021

Uniform service number for citizens to the Government encounters great encouragement from Servicenummer4you on the computer fair CeBIT in March 2008 was a first detailed concept of the project ServiceLine 115 “presented. In the near future to facilitate the Federal Republic of Germany with a single service number of the course through the Behordendschungel citizens. 115 the authorities service number for Germany can be concluded with the pesky authorities Safari Finally, because the Federal Government suggests a trend-setting strategy for the campaign by the Behordendschungel. The service number 115 offers a central point of the citizens in the future for citizens advice. So, requests to offices, federal, State and local equal to or by direct link can be answered faster. It is no matter from where he wants to reach the bodies of service number for the citizens. Learn more at: actress and filmmaker.

It is connected to a call center site in a few seconds and has so the uncomplicated You can get information faster. The success principle from New York the idea comes from the world metropolis of New York, where established the system of uniform service number, and is no longer indispensable. The New Yorker choose the 331, if they want to connect with the public authorities and save yourself to cumbersome administrative procedures. Encouraged by the positive reaction of the New York now the Federal Government wants to do the same the world metropolis. Is therefore working on the concept of the authorities-standard service number. Servicenummer4you supports the newcomer among the service number service numbers to offer convenient service and the customer or consumer advice or offer information. 110 or 112 well-known, numbers like that are service numbers that are impossible to imagine.

As everyone knows the numbers of firefighters and police, everyone will know soon the authorities number 115. By 2012, this lucrative hotline service to in the Federal Republic nationwide be widespread and are taken by every citizen throughout can. The telco Servicenummer4you supports the steady progress in the communications market and welcomes the newcomer under the service number 115. On the Servicenummer4you website at one learns everything important to service numbers and can learn about their usage and use and support your own corporate communications by a service phone number of Servicenummer4you so maybe soon. Press contact: a trademark of TC 30 phone service GmbH. Dr. Maik Temme Oranienburger str. 69, 10117 Berlin FON: + 49 30 27 87 42 96 fax: + 49 30 27 87 42 93 E-Mail: Web: via provides reliable nationwide telecommunications services. As a service-oriented provider of service numbers and telecommunications services, the Berlin company has many years of experience and excellent know-how in the telecommunications market. Innovative products which are customers Provision of service numbers 0800, 0180, 0900, 0137 and premium SMS available. Servicenummer4you is privately funded, debt-free and independent group.


Linktivity Web

March 6th, 2021 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Value added distributor sells excellent Barracuda Web filter Schorndorf, January 29, 2008 Barrcuda networks, manufacturer of enterprise-wide SPAM firewall solutions and partner of value-added distributor sysob, has the best of connections 2007 Award “. The company was for the Barracuda Web filter in the category Windows “. This year the jury of Penton Media of Windows IT Pro detected 18 finalists from more than 60 IT products and services. The jury was impressed by the abundance and quality of the submissions of the Windows IT Pro. Despite the many good products, winners were able to clearly demonstrate their strategic importance to the market, their advantages over the competition, as well as the added value for the customer. “The best of connections 2007 Awards” distinguished companies, which offer innovative products in the following categories: Exchange, mobile, .NET, Office, SharePoint, SQL Server and Windows. Thomas Hruby, Managing Director of sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG, explained: it has always been a Principle of our company to provide the most technologically advanced solutions to the market.

While it is us on the quality and innovation of the products. “We are therefore particularly pleased that Barracuda Networks Barracuda Web filter with the best of connections 2007 Award’ was awarded.” Barracuda Web filter, Barracuda Web filters represent an integrated solution to the spyware protection and content filtering. The powerful, user-friendly and cost-effective system is suitable for companies of any size. Malware is hereby easily and completely detected and blocked. You can so significantly reduced time and costs for monitoring, maintenance and restoration of computers on the network.

The Barracuda Web filter can be installed quickly and easily, because no software needs to be installed, and no modifications to the network are required. The intuitive user interface for the management and control of maintenance is minimized. System updates are automatically by the Technology Center Carried out Barracuda Central, in the permanent working technicians, to develop the most effective methods to combat the latest spyware variants. The updates are provided at hourly intervals to ensure that the Web filter against the constantly changing virus and spyware variants are protected. In Germany, the products are offered by Barracuda Networks about the VAD of sysob IT distribution and its over 400 re seller partners. Visit sysob at CeBIT 2008 on stand K05 in Hall 6! Brief description: sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG the sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG is a value added distributor specializing in the distribution of leading IT security products. Based on its existing product portfolio offers sysob, a leading value-added “distributors (VAD) with over 400 partners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, on a wide range of future-oriented IT-security solutions. Marko Dimitrijevic shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. As a result, the reseller receives clear Differentiation potential and better margins compared with its competitors. Comprehensive service or support concepts, an active sales force, as well as comprehensive technical support of the reseller at extensive installations and projects on-site round off the service portfolio.


The Appropriation

March 5th, 2021 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

To other provoked by the extreme expansion of the international trade that says respect to the scale of the economic activities it tends to exceed the limits of the load capacity of the world-wide ecosystem. These problems brought for the globalization disclose a relation of particular interests in the current ambient quarrel. For I rebel (2010, p.8): The moral and ideological choices in the debate contemporary on the nature and the environment disclose, in the truth, the concrete interests of rich nations developed and of its ruling classes in the appropriation of the scarce in its domnios, but still abundant natural goods already between the underdeveloped nations. In this exactly direction, the French thinker, Guattari (1990) defends that only it will have a reply to the ecological crisis partner, will be in planetary scale and with the sprouting of an authentic revolution politics, social and cultural, which reorients the objectives of the production of corporeal properties and incorporeal. Thus, means of production sustainable and consumption must be found, therefore, as it affirms Axe (2006), the money that finances the production and the consumption is atrelado to the morality and the legality of this production and this consumption, then, the destination of this money neutral or it is not dismissed of ethical coloration, not being able, therefore, to finance the pollution and the degradation of the nature. The abundance of the goods of consumption continuously produced by the industrial system is considered, frequent a symbol of the successful performance of the modern economies, (PORTILHO, 2005), what it can all bring drastic consequncias for the environment in the planet. This means that the problems related to the environment are ignored by almost all the society, a time that, lack concrete actions, either on the part of the public power or the proper citizens in exploring and using with social responsibility the natural resources that are to the disposal of the humanity. This reality is also present in the city of Aragominas? YOU, where these resources also pass for a process of deterioration and scarcity, thus bringing consequncias of difficult recuparao to the environment.


Photo Exhibition To The Book

March 1st, 2021 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

For a long time, the artist, Grit Scholz, deals intensively with the topic; Female genitals”, Yoni * called. Almost all people have seen through this gate of life, the light of the world. Bausch & Lomb pursues this goal as well. Her book and the exhibition show a natural and self-evident perspective on the Yoni”. The beauty, diversity and uniqueness of the vulva is very clear and playful, but shown without voyeuristic background. The book is to educate, help overcome fears and insecurities and support especially the women themselves to find a natural and unbiased handling of your Yoni. The prologue is written in 8 languages, to allow access to the background and the origin of the book many people countries and across cultures.

The opening of the exhibition in the presence of the author of Grit Scholz starts on Saturday the October at 20:00, travelling exhibition: Kant road 122, Berlin Charlottenburg Palace date for press: October, 19:00, registration under 03384690837 or more Information exhibition period: 01.12 23.12.07 daily 11:00 to 21:00 open admission including a drink of your choice: 3 euro Yoni is the term for the female genitalia in the classical language of the Brahmins, Sanskrit. V.i.S.d.P: Grit Scholz P.o. box 1224, 14806 Belzig Tel. 033846-90837 cell: 0160-8315513 about the book: the book “The gate to life”, which is offered in two different versions, is the debut of Grit Scholz and gave the decisive impulse for the led-Verlag. A book in this way about the female genitals there is no date yet, Grit Scholz would like to invite the vagina all people who are interested in this topic, so for a natural and artistic perspective on the Yoni. The poetry book “Soft I forget the head of battle” is a compilation of collected works of Grit Scholz from the last 25 years. The led-Verlag: With the help of led publishing I, Grit Scholz, books and other print media, want to and Publish multimedia products, dealing with new perspectives on fundamental human issues in all areas and on all levels of being. I’m about transparency, openness and truthfulness.

I would like to invite to look behind it and to have the courage to think differently and feel. Because I am convinced that we humans evolve to the extent and change, as we are able to change our thinking and feeling. This can happen if we become aware of the background of our feeling and creative redesign it. As long as we learn in places that prevent real peace and love with ourselves and others, does not think and feel, the old pattern of pain, suffering, and anguish will be repeated always.