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Atlanticlux / FWU AG – the dream team in the old-age provision whether young or old. So the majority of adolescents and young adults between 17 and 27 years fears after a representative survey of the TNS infratest Sozialforschung from may of this year, to be poor in the age. While young women worry, later just to get a small pension. Almost uverstandlich: A majority of respondents is ready to provide privately for the age – many to understand but hardly the offers. The same image shows elderly people between 50 and 64 years at least the result of the opinion Research Institute Emnid in January. Then, three-quarters of the older has German great fear of poverty in old age. The fear of poverty in old age is the dominant topic in Germany. The discussion therefore but mostly subtle.

Also in the elderly are in particular women, a life in poverty fear at least 82 percent! And following a further survey this year, even many in the pension plan then Germany alone reason to leave because life abroad is cheaper. Depending on where you are going, that may prove but quickly fallacy”, Michael Emmel says as managing directors of Atlanticlux Lebensversicherung S.A. Source: Dropbox. (Atlanticlux). The Atlanticlux is the insurance company in the Group of companies of Munich FWU AG, an innovative product designer in the financial services sector. You can adjust pensions”, says Atlanticlux – Board of Directors Edward and referring to the programs of life insurance S.A. developed by the company compound FWU AG and Atlanticlux.

They clearly show where supply shortages in the age can be. While all forms of legal, occupational and private pension incorporated into the overall picture. A consulting software with the FWU AG/Atlanticlux already able to score points at rating agencies. We are pleased to develop such concepts to have, “so the Atlanticlux – Board of Directors Edward. But also product side the Luxembourg Atlanticlux has life insurance S.A. and the Munich FWU AG as a dream Team set up, because the on the mainly offered unit-linked pension insurance requirements with regard to security and yield opportunities, as well as the consideration of personal life situations highest. So invested in a variety of the best global equities management, but also offers a capital safety on the invested contributions. The policies are thus designed to take advantage of existing investment opportunities, without at the same time losing the risk out of your sight. People such as Jim Crane would likely agree. In addition, there are interesting extras. For many savers and investors an important reason to choose life insurance for the products of the bonding company FWU AG and Atlanticlux. His savings goal against unemployment, secure employment and disability is the insured, for example, for only 6 percent of its premium in the Fund policy, which offered opportunity, with safeguarding savings target. Supplementary accident insurance disability services to 1.3 million euros at a monthly premium of just around 15 euros. We are sure to meet the demands of citizens with such prevention strategies”, explains Atlanticlux – Board of Directors Edward. The success proves him right, because the group from Munich and Luxembourg so far after the financial market crisis it could well survive the critical phase for many insurers and is well positioned for the future.


Markus Walter Rheinstrasse

June 23rd, 2019 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

However, CSP was less affected than other providers specifically from the downs. We took these economic developments for the occasion, wider to prepare us, rather than remaining dependent on a single market segment. So we might make 2009 even the recession year with sales growth. Apart from our company America but indeed all typical eras concerning it. In the early years, the IT specialists were tasked to replace many paper-based processes with its customers in the automotive industry and using central storage latest data to evaluate, that manufacturing processes can be optimized proactively and continuously. In the next step the trend evolved away from in Windows-based structures and to Web-based solutions with location-independent access to the latest data.

In the course of the year 2000 problem, many applications were created for customers individual new or changed. While in the 1990s the individual-development of software in the Foreground stood, there are today standard solutions, which quickly and efficiently should lead to improvements in processes. A rapid development behind us, when we look back on the first 20 years of our company today. We have kept step not only with the organisational and technical requirements, but the pioneers were often in our markets. For years we have made us, to expand our market position in our major target sectors such as industrial, aviation and banking. To read more click here: Crawford Lake Capital Management. We continue those also want to be, that our customers modern and intelligent software solutions create competitive advantages”, performs CSP founder Hermann Pellkofer.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary, CSP has a Facebook group for 20 years”CSP founded, to customers, partners, employees and interested parties with news around to inform the birthday activities: pages/CSP-GmbH-Co-KG/116150648469521 about CSP GmbH & co. KG: was the CSP GmbH & co. KG founded in 1991 and specializes in innovative software solutions for businesses in the manufacturing, specialized in the retail and services sectors. The company provides to its customers as well as the implementation and customization of standard solutions also comprehensive advice and support. Around the new product line of Chronos for database archiving, CSP offers an extensive range of services companies from all industries. CSP has numerous international reference customers in the industry. Among other things, group, Audi, Daimler, Lufthansa trust BMW technology logistics, Deutsche Telekom, General Motors, Porsche, Volvo, Chrysler, Renault, VW, Knorr brake and Bosch on the solutions of the company. Contact address: CSP GmbH & co. KG Mr. Hermann Pacheco mens Qamar Street 11 94431 Grosskollnbach Tel: + 49 (0) 9953/3006-0 fax: + 49 (0) 9953 / 3006-50 E-mail: Internet: PR Agency: Walter Visual PR GmbH Mr. Markus Walter Rheinstrasse 99 65185 Wiesbaden Tel.: 06 11 / 2 38 78 – 0 fax: 06 11 / 2 38 78 – 23 E-mail: Internet:

In a webinar of the Machwurth team International (MTI), Visselhovede, Manager learn the value system analysis instrument values-profile know and make use of change projects. What is important to our employees? What values do they let guides their actions? Business leaders face such questions again and again for example, when it comes to strategy implementation projects, to determine the need for cultural change in their organization and to win the employee as a competitor. A tool that helps companies respond to these questions, is that values-profile. With this computer – and Web-based analytics tool, companies can determine what motivates your employees and drives, to derive from it, for example human resources development measures. Also you can check in with this scientifically valid analytical instrument, to what extent their organization from the desired target culture is culture is different, this building from the development measures to plan and control the change project.

How to work with the Values – profile works, find interested in a Webinar that performs the global Machwurth team International (MTI), Visselhovede, on 2 December 18 until 19:30. In the 90-minute expert talk of labor and organizational psychologist and value system specialist of Dr. Egbert child and the MTI consultant Ute Leopold the participants explain first on what scientific basis there is the analysis instrument. Then, they show how the tool is designed and used for example to the team formation and development, to analyze and resolve conflicts, as well as to the planning and control of change and strategy implementation projects. Also describe the two consultants on a practical example, as an internationally operating company with the values-profile works. Then they answer the remaining questions of the participants in a round of talk. The number of participants in the webinar is limited to ensure an intense work and a lively exchange of experience.

The participation is free of charge. Are required only a Internet-enabled PC and a phone. Organization developer, interested (project) Manager and executives and staff can register until 20 November at the Machwurth team international. Contact person is Anna Maria Cross (Tel.: 04262/93 12 18;) Email:).


Taiwan’s Economics Ministry reports 2013 Taiwan Taiwan’s economy was relatively strong in the year 2013 despite the difficult conditions in the country and abroad and export result achieved by more than $ 300 billion for the third year in a row. “Exports of the country increased slightly by 0.7 percent to $ 303,22 billion, the second-highest total so far, while the net trade surplus to a record high of 33,14 billion”, said an official of the Ministry of economy. “Policies, pay to develop national exports to emerging markets,” said an official, and added that this reflected 2.81% increase in deliveries to the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in one in the first 11 months. At the same time, Taiwan increased its trade relations with the EU and the United States. The former Vice President Vincent Siew C.

led delegations to both partners in an effort to promote more bilateral exchanges and trade agreement negotiations. “That Ministry will seek also to complete the negotiations on a goods trade agreement between each side of the Taiwan Strait by the end of the year and to pursue greater liberalisation”, said the official. Export promotion remains an important political goal, especially in emerging markets like ASEAN, Central and Eastern Europe and South America. According to the annual report were the respondents generally believe that Taiwan is a good place to do business, and described the goods trade agreement between each side of the Taiwan Strait as a positive development for both sides. (ca)


Frank Biermann

April 3rd, 2014 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

on the corporate planning of mobileObjects AG 2012 Buren, 06.03.2012. Frank Biermann, Executive sales and marketing mobileObjects AG, are views over the business activities and objectives of the mobileObjects AG this year. “The year of 2012 promises to be a very exciting and eventful year. The entire market, by simple location boxes to high-end solutions, is currently determined by a high momentum and is in constant change. In this market the mobileObjects AG has a very broad product portfolio, which evolves constantly and purposefully.” Best customer-oriented and technologically valuable we are also will be able to adapt quickly to changing market situations and to meet customer needs more effectively. Our goal is to offer always the best telematics solution for him to the customer. This requires both a high degree of personal initiative and flexibility all properties that are on the mobileObjects AG and its employees, apply to. Flexibility creates a new product, and another important step to increase mobility is our new product mOTelematix “.

The software consists of a Web-based management unit and any number of clients. Thus the client from a normal location box, a location box with display can be one on Apple (Garmin Nuvi), iOS and Android based software with order management including message communication, as well as various value-added services and reports exist if you will, a modular All-In-one solution! Service provider – there are our longtime experience due to our many years of experience in the service sector are we increasingly focus in the future to these responsibilities and the associated processes. Target should always be there to take orders in the mobility and due to the added value it generates to the respective companies. Continuously develop telematics systems for shippers In the area of the freight forwarding industry we use, even in the Past, specifically on the further development of our software modules. “It has already in the past year with the development of the start checks for truck and trailor” and the module loader replacement and tracking “positive impact made. Sales and partner structure heavily expanding also is planned, unsereVertriebsstrukturen continue to build out new partnerships to promote and existing partnerships as for example with the company of EGO-FTS (Norbert Walla) continues to deepen. We will push ahead more dialogue also with our customers, to respond to the wishes and needs of the market and each customer thus even more targeted.”