Tag Archive: beauty


People with acne, consider that it is an annoying problem, which frustrates them to the point of despair. Treatment of acne on the skin has a time, once it has developed, but the truth is that if it has not yet started, then it is very easy to prevent it if it has just begun to appear, after the prescribed treatment, must have positive results in a short period of time. No matter what your situation, you can have healthy skin if it manages to keep some guidelines on her mind proper skin care. Keep your skin clean may be the most important part of his regime daily for skin care is to keep the skin clean. It must be washed twice a day, morning and night, with a hypoallergenic soft cleaner.

In addition, you must clean after any activity that makes you sweat an abnormal, such as strenuous exercise or activity amount. Of utmost importance is the type of cleaner that you use on your skin. Scrubbing the skin with a strong or abrasive SOAP will only make your acne worse. If you don’t know of a good cleanser for your skin type, consult your dermatologist for advice. Once the skin is flushed (carefully), rinse it and dry it. If your hair is oily, like the skin, then it must be washed with shampoo every day because the hair oil can easily find their way to face and cause problems.

Shave carefully shaving is a problem that usually affects men only. As the choice of the type of knife used (electrical or safety), it depends on what the easiest and most comfortable way is to use. Using safety razor blades, the blade cuts should be the only thing that is used in acne-prone skin. Before applying shaving foam, the beard must first be softened with water and SOAP.


Pablo Jose Hernandez

October 23rd, 2016 / Tags: , , , , / categories: Uncategorized /

In each of the presentations, the length and width of the largest of the Antilles, Camaguey aquatic ballet Acuarium, Dean of the existing ones in the interior of the country, has extraordinarily impressed national viewers and foreign for the originality and quality of its magnificent rhythms executed in water, forming a floating show of particular elegance. There are nine sets of this specialty, of them, two in Camaguey, equal quantity in Havana, and the rest in Varadero, Cienfuegos, Villa Clara, Holguin and Santiago de Cuba in Cuba alone. Members of the aquatic ballet Acuarium, fifth created in Cuba, and the first in the interior of the island, recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of the grouping and are organizing the first National Festival of that specialty, in December 2009, in the city of the big earthenware jars, the provincial capital, about 600 kilometers from Havana. Very well earned headquarters by the prestige that enjoys the company in their demonstrations at national and international events. The distinguished cast Camaguey, it was officially constituted on 2 December 1993 and admitted to performing arts in 2001, released recently show cien x hundred Cuban (alluding to the cultural miscegenation on the island). But its members in the Assembly of Orcas to stalking, piece dedicated to the defense of the environment will be engaged in the coming month of January 2009. Subsequently take to the pool a version based on Romeo and Juliet, in both cases are the scenic creations of the choreographers Pablo Jose Hernandez (director) and Yoemis Lopez.

The company, in its stage start was called mermaids show, because the first dancers were women, hence the original name, but to incorporate men found baptize as Aquarium aquatic ballet. The new format allowed a greater variety of the show, and create in the audience, a sense of satisfaction. Pablo Jose Hernandez has reiterated that what difference those and characterized the rest of aquatic groups across Cuba is that we maintain rather than a folkloric line we turned her, we make representations of different musical genres in the water but his mount is always linked to our roots.


The Manual For The Spa Pro:

July 27th, 2016 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

“Top hotel” standard over wellness hotels published at last there is a textbook for the wellness – and spa industry with up-to-date insider knowledge! Together with the German Wellness Association has top hotel, the renowned journal for the hotel management, the Guide “SPA 2010” published – a reliable source with new figures, data, facts and analyses. Industry experts share the reader to their professional knowledge. Many ideas and inspirations into this compact Guide, but also technical Know-How that can be put in practice immediately successful. Whether architect or designer, investor or operator, hotelier or Spa Manager, consultant or project developer, supplier or manufacturer – this book will find its place as a work manual and important reference book. Demand has often led to uneconomic investments after Spa – and wellness services over the last ten years. Guests are experienced and become critical and they spend their money more carefully.

You question the effectiveness of Spa treatments and are looking for more than the short-term sense of well-being. Amazing way there but so far hardly serious to be taken and at the same time current literature for wellness professionals and those who want to be there. The German Wellness Association (DWV) was included in the realization of the monograph “SPA 2010” from the top editorial staff on a large scale. The publication marks a further milestone in the 26 year old history of the journal top hotel, which sees itself as one of the leading KommunikationsdienstLeister for the warm sector. SPA 2010 Publisher: top hotel, leisure-Verlag, Landsberg co-editor: German Wellness Association (DWV) 176 pages, numerous illustrations, graphs and tables. 49.00 EUR, to order over at: leisure-VERLAG LANDSBERG GMBH, Tel.

08191-947160, fax 08191-9471666, press release is the renowned journal for the hotel management in Germany. The magazine appears ten times a year in the leisure-Verlag, Landsberg, a company of the LPV food practice Verlag Neuwied GmbH. In this network appear also?The kitchen??Catering inside?, ‘Convenience store’ and ‘ food practice ‘. More information: h contact: top hotel / leisure publishing Landsberg GmbH Thomas Karsch Celsius str. 7 86899 Landsberg/Lechg 08191 647160 08191 6471666 press contact: good news – personal PR service Carsten Hennig high pasture 8 20259 Hamburg 040 414311692