Tag Archive: internet & multimedia



April 21st, 2021 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Available now in the app store. “Online print on demand application”, Internet users can compose your own personal building magazine with just a few mouse clicks itself: print on demand “offers over 6,000 editorial pages, which as a PDF download available and combined according to topics and interests can be. Now the professional fonts Publisher has adapted the system for the iPhone and Apple’s app store. “” Without advertisements, the professional fonts Publisher exhibits the best build! “, House construction”, building & remodeling”, Althaus modernize” and many other publishing magazines in the app available. So the content can on the iPhone also easily be combined, read, saved or redirected. “House reports, prefabricated houses, technical know-how or tips to the financing: to almost every question about the private construction or renovation can be found with print on demand” the right information now also mobile available. The app is officially available in the app store at a price of EUR 3.59.

The Number of compilations and downloads is not limited the user can as often create to magazines. The print on demand app exclusively for the iPhone is currently available. It is working but already operating system on a version for the Android.

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In addition, bildkontakte.de is the only German Personals for the all important contact functions for men and women are free. We are very proud of this test victory! ” Christian Kirschey, again working on new features for the bildkontakte.de members. Halloween on the coming Sunday, 31.10.2010 all members surf free in premium mode; a single Magazine goes online in the near future. Gutefrage.net Gutefrage.NET is with 12.5 million unique users of the largest Web 2.0 Advisor in Germany (source: AGOF 2010/II). The Advisor platform aims to provide practical assistance and personal experiences for free between the users. Helpful and knowledgeable users advise the gutefrage.net daily up to 25,000. About bildkontakte.de Bildkontakte.de belongs to the top 5 of the German single exchanges. Over two million singles have opted for this dating service, every day around 2,000 new ones, up to 10,000 are online at the same time. Every single profile is illustrated and is generally manually checked for protection against fakes before activation. All important functions of contact for women and men are permanently free of charge. Press contact: bildkontakte.de Sylvia Ostmann Tel.: + 49 (0) 221 97 99 98 20 PR Agency: Aufgesang public relations GmbH prdienst.de


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