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Shoes Boots

July 28th, 2016 / Tags: , , / categories: Uncategorized /

Carles Puyol returns to one call for more than three months later. The Catalan defense is among those chosen to travel to San Sebastian, where the Barcelona held this Saturday his second League match against Real Sociedad (18.00, Canal +). Thus the own football announced it in his account of the social network Twitter: happy return call for proposals. Thank you for all your support during these 8 months thanks!. Then, the club confirmed the call, where are all the players equipment except Pique, who is still injured twin.

Guardiola also retrieves Maxwell, Adriano and Afellay. Puyol had to be operated on June one of a lesion in the left knee that dragged from the month of January. The defence had to be replaced at halftime of the Barcelona-Racing which took place the 22nd of that month, although, as explained the club doctors later, Puyol already dragged the injury from the previous day, against Malaga. Source of the news:: Puyol shoes boots



November 16th, 2013 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

The Gamper ceased to be what it was years ago, when the economy invited to suppress the double working day and TV came a sack in the preseason, denying the category of presentation of the recent signings. But it continues to be a date in the Figo calendar, a traditional party halfway between a Festa Major match and an excuse to make the coach tests. Although already do not attend Camp Nou only members, who mostly prefer to go on vacation, see it on TV and step, save the entry, usually joyous nights. Guiris and the Club members pay the tickets and come the children. The only one who had not learn the Gamper is an inconsequential match was the referee, which made him remove a bracelet to Lavezzi before starting and that ten minutes annulled a goal by Chilean to Cavani that topped, it is true, one centimeter of the head of Pique.