Tag Archive: fitness & workouts


Golf Handicap

January 5th, 2023 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

The golf course diploma for children the golf course diploma is a prerequisite to blow the balls through the air on a golf course. This is true not only for adults but also for children and young people who are as excited about golf. The youth development plays an important role now in golf, because in the last few years, the sport managed to free some of their elitist image. Thus, golf will be interesting for all the population. (Not to be confused with Drew Houston!). The Union of Club-free golf player is particularly engaged when it comes to the promotion of youth.

However, reaching the golf course diploma is essential. This also applies to children and young people, because without a certain knowledge, golf can be very dangerous. A course to the golf course diploma hits with about 150 to 250 euros, some golf clubs offer this but also cheaper for junior golf. An official course graduate then once around 75 euros. You brought them behind you, get this quasi a licence for golf, which certifies that you know rules, etiquette, as well as the necessary technology.

In the context of the golf course diploma first learning the behavior on the golf course, so the proper Golf etiquette. This includes among other things security policies intended other golfers in particular to the protection. A flying used golf ball can reach a speed of about 250 km/h, which can cause severe injury when hit on the head. Don Mullen oftentimes addresses this issue. Not to mention what could happen if you accidentally meet someone at the tee with the Golf Club itself. Still a very careless handling of the equipment and the safety is beginning just in children and adolescents. In the second part of the course to the golf course diploma, proper stroke technique is then applied. One learns these incorrectly, can cause long-term injuries at the wrist or spine. The last part of the golf course diploma includes the theory then. The official rule book of the German Golf Association is all 275 pages thick. For the golf course diploma Testing must be learned. You then everything behind brought this one is entitled, on all places in the world for golf. Of course assuming a membership in a Golf Association.


Just who goes to the fasting in the foreign country, the thinking necessarily a travel insurance. But now what insurance do you need for fast travel abroad?Furthermore, an international health insurance plan must be completed just for fast travel. This is important not only for fast trips, but all abroad, because here very quickly cause a health problem can, which could end up in circumstances in a financial fiasco. Gain insight and clarity with Dropbox. Just for fast travel just this health insurance is especially important, because even if the body is otherwise actually stable, he subjected to yet other circumstances by fasting, which could further incriminate him. Quickly it can be so to health problems, if the body with fasting is not so clearly. Especially with curative fasting happens often when it is believed that one is dependent on medical assistance abroad. So a travel insurance in relation to disease is especially important to keep this but in the financial framework. Of course there are several other insurance companies, which could be fasting, as well as the normal beach vacation benefit.

Here you can complete even a travel baggage insurance. Which is good, if for example, when an airplane luggage could be lost. As with the luggage insurance get transferred or paid a certain amount of money, which was previously agreed in the contract. So should the baggage not in the resort arrive, can you buy a new luggage at least with the money from abroad, and enjoy the holidays still to the fullest.



August 13th, 2016 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Strong back, yoga, spinal column gymnastics, Nordic walking, relaxation – Prananda opens the doors! When Kati Ananda teaches Meier (37), shine your eyes today to enthusiasm. The normal 40-50 hour week as buyer for sports and outdoor clothing was nothing out of the ordinary. At some point, the question was why. Why do out I stress and permanent load? Why I sit all day in front of the PC, phone, and got noise around me? And if I already can do that, how can I make then the compensation it okay? The completed study for psychological counseling was the answer to many of these questions for you as well as yoga. The fire was ignited after knowledge and execution, how you can do your body good. She made yoga teacher (BYV) and to the certified laughter Yoga instructor training for the prevention of psychosomatic diseases. The training in relaxation trainer (BYV) and back school for preventive back school (KddR / BYV) completed the picture.

Since 2004, Kati Ananda is Meier relaxation and yoga classes in international companies and community colleges. For many years she successfully leads the laughter Yoga Club, an open Group in Norderstedt, which meets once a week. Now, Kati Ananda opened Meier “Prananda”, their own yoga and back school in Norderstedt, Kiel town square 120a (road vs. Mercedes Behrmann/Segeberger Chaussee). Here you have the opportunity to move your neck tension and back pain to tackle and alleviate their discomfort with gentle, health-oriented methods. The motto of Prananda – healthy, vital, fit appeals to and loads a week to accept the offer from over 25 courses.

The qualifications of the two coaches, Kati Ananda Meier and Peter Postert speak for themselves. And it is always cheap. 30.00 euro/monthly for a membership at Prananda. Better you can create little money for 12 months. “Kati Ananda:” people something good to be able to pass is great. Our friendly and welcoming Atmosphere sets us apart from the fitness centers. We feel well and our participants feel in good hands. The variety and diversity of the people who attend our courses, makes me especially happy because it shows me clearly that every person, regardless needs balancing and relaxation as an Antipole to the everyday life of age and occupation. I live and love my classes and what I give.” By the way you can give away book / certificate also Ayurvedic oil massages and relaxing massages at Prananda. Both coaches have completed this also qualified training. Time to enjoy. Get started! More details you can visit the website or directly at Prananda by phone 040-52610127. A clear plus for Norderstedt. As a special treat, the first 20 members will receive a free Ayurvedic massage. 90 minutes of relaxation and pure enjoyment. Save 80 euros!

At that time several thousand years ago in the Roman Empire, held games in big arenas. Can be seen still today one of the largest arena of at that time in Italy. In the Colloseum, several thousand Romans took place to see the so-called games. The former games had but nothing to do with the present. Mostly it was very rare in the dry sand of the arena. This fortunately no longer is the case. The Gladiators play, which were so popular in the Roman provinces as today the football the gladiators were the stars of the arena.

Of course, they were not particularly well equipped it cannot be said of today’s players. By good sponsorships, almost every top player wears his extra-made football boots. But still they are deified as as the Gladiators at that time. Especially the children and young people see the great idol in their heroes on the square. So it is of course also not surprising that many children and adolescents the same sporting goods to buy or wear the same sports as their Role models on the lawn. The Gladiators of the modern era to glory, honor, recognition and money play week after week. This distinguishes it from the gladiators in ancient times of the Roman Empire.

There were mostly slaves who fought in the arena for their lives. But this is also one great thing in common. Then as today does not care from which population one comes or what color man has, of course the denomination also plays no role, it is important only to making its performance when it matters. Angelika Propp