Tag Archive: it


LANDesk Management Suite

April 28th, 2021 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

five(9)s introduces new version of its product of EMPA services. Eight months the 1st version of the EMPA services went live in, the LANDesk provides Platinum partner five(9)s GmbH now the 2nd version of its monitoring and alerting product five(9)s EMPA services before. The five(9)s GmbH to all users of LANDesk Management Suite and the associated security products from the same manufacturer is aimed with the EMPA services. EMPA aims tools there, the components of a system of of LANDesk to maintain, monitor and so their maximum availability and benefits to ensure and thus the increasingly strategic importance of client management to take into account. The EMPA services in addition to a proactive real-time monitoring of the entire LANDesk environment provides also the corresponding alerting. Regular reports on the performance data and trends of the LANDesk environment as well as a live dashboard access to important LANDesk parameters at any time. The cleaning services provide database and file system cleanup for a performance at any time Clientmanagement infrastructure. With version 2 of the EMPA services, in particular the alerting and cleanup have been extended functionalities.

In addition, so far included third-party components were replaced by developments to respond faster and more flexibly to customer needs. EMPA Services V2. 0 is immediately available.


Linktivity Web

March 6th, 2021 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Value added distributor sells excellent Barracuda Web filter Schorndorf, January 29, 2008 Barrcuda networks, manufacturer of enterprise-wide SPAM firewall solutions and partner of value-added distributor sysob, has the best of connections 2007 Award “. The company was for the Barracuda Web filter in the category Windows “. This year the jury of Penton Media of Windows IT Pro detected 18 finalists from more than 60 IT products and services. The jury was impressed by the abundance and quality of the submissions of the Windows IT Pro. Despite the many good products, winners were able to clearly demonstrate their strategic importance to the market, their advantages over the competition, as well as the added value for the customer. “The best of connections 2007 Awards” distinguished companies, which offer innovative products in the following categories: Exchange, mobile, .NET, Office, SharePoint, SQL Server and Windows. Thomas Hruby, Managing Director of sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG, explained: it has always been a Principle of our company to provide the most technologically advanced solutions to the market.

While it is us on the quality and innovation of the products. “We are therefore particularly pleased that Barracuda Networks Barracuda Web filter with the best of connections 2007 Award’ was awarded.” Barracuda Web filter, Barracuda Web filters represent an integrated solution to the spyware protection and content filtering. The powerful, user-friendly and cost-effective system is suitable for companies of any size. Malware is hereby easily and completely detected and blocked. You can so significantly reduced time and costs for monitoring, maintenance and restoration of computers on the network.

The Barracuda Web filter can be installed quickly and easily, because no software needs to be installed, and no modifications to the network are required. The intuitive user interface for the management and control of maintenance is minimized. System updates are automatically by the Technology Center Carried out Barracuda Central, in the permanent working technicians, to develop the most effective methods to combat the latest spyware variants. The updates are provided at hourly intervals to ensure that the Web filter against the constantly changing virus and spyware variants are protected. In Germany, the products are offered by Barracuda Networks about the VAD of sysob IT distribution and its over 400 re seller partners. Visit sysob at CeBIT 2008 on stand K05 in Hall 6! Brief description: sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG the sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG is a value added distributor specializing in the distribution of leading IT security products. Based on its existing product portfolio offers sysob, a leading value-added “distributors (VAD) with over 400 partners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, on a wide range of future-oriented IT-security solutions. Marko Dimitrijevic shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. As a result, the reseller receives clear Differentiation potential and better margins compared with its competitors. Comprehensive service or support concepts, an active sales force, as well as comprehensive technical support of the reseller at extensive installations and projects on-site round off the service portfolio.

Virus protection software for Android Smartphone with an integrated Web security feature Holzwickede, June 22, 2011 BitDefender (www.bitdefender.de) recently announced the start of the public trial of its mobile security BETA. To better protect smartphone users, the virus protection expert has now integrated a special Web-security function in the solution. The feature in time warns the user if a website contains malicious malware. Each page is immediately blocked, so that the risk of infection will be banned from the outset. Mobile Security BETA can be downloaded directly at m.bitdefender.com, and it can be installed. The new BitDefender software keeps the user about the current threat condition of smartphones to date. Mobile Security BETA has been specifically designed for Android smartphones and uses the latest BitDefender cloud-scanning technology.

This ensures that the user must transmit not complete scan engine including required program extensions on his mobile device. The scanning process will only then start when a suspicious action is perceived by the software. This also conserves system resources as well as the battery. Timely warning for contaminated sites the newly integrated feature now also protects the user from malware infections. It checks every single Web link quickly and invisibly”in the background, without that user will receive with something like this. Accordingly, the BitDefender database is constantly updated. Sites that may pose a threat, can be revoked promptly in future even before the particular pest has the chance to settle on the system.

The risk, that also smartphones running the virus become infected, has increased enormously in recent years due to the immense Internet use of via mobile devices”, stated Alexandru Balan, senior product manager at BitDefender. The user awareness that even their mobile phones with viruses, Trojans & co. can be infected, remains low. BitDefender mobile security is based on our many years of experience as a developer of more reliable security solutions.” Bugs and General feedback of the tester to the development team under be communicated. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since 2001, BitDefender is a industry-wide pioneer in the development of award-winning protection technologies. Every day, the virus protection expert protects computer many million residential and business customers around the world. This BitDefender sells its security solutions worldwide on a wide VAD and reseller network. In the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and other European countries received BitDefender multiple major awards Warentest, ConsumerSearch, which, for example, by the Foundation? and Taenk. The BitDefender Antivirus technology beyond reaching peaks in detailed investigations by the independent Institute AV test and AV-Comparatives. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products available online in the press center. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at. For more information see. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str. 2 D-59439 Holzwickede contact person: Hans-Peter Lange PR Manager Tel.: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-330 fax: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-499 email: PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact: Fabian Sprengel Tel.: + 49 (0) 2661 91260-0 E-Mail:


More Efficient Management

May 9th, 2019 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

Practice help of the legodo gives concrete assistance to optimize the creation of complex deals involving several departments according to a current study of legodo ag and takes longer than a month in most cases. The overall about two-thirds of the companies complain that their supply management is not cost-optimal and consumes too many resources. The legodo ag has therefore developed a comprehensive practical help which gives concrete guidance for a more effective proposal management and is provided free of charge. Dropbox shines more light on the discussion. The guide deals with the current situation in the company and analyzed what typical hurdles exist that produce upon the creation of complex B2B offers avoidable costs and delays. On this basis, he outlined concrete solutions, as the cost for the individual quotation can be reduced systematically. This stand on the offer relevant data from multiple business systems especially the automation of processes and the integrated access how CRM, ERP, etc.

in the Center. Because the mainly manually marked processes bind precious sales resources because numerous stakeholders and various documents must be coordinated. Another chapter of the Guide content deals with best practices for the supply management. Describes how to success-proven solution examples of internationally renowned airline and an industrial company. So about the airline was able to reduce the time for the quotations by three quarters.

In addition, the practice assistance provides useful tips for an erfolgssichere organisation of offer management. These recommendations are based on the findings from a variety of customer projects. In addition the implementation of self assessments will focus on about analysts can determine the possible need for optimization in supply management. It leads to a detailed written evaluation status description and evaluation of costs and risks a sketch by means of action, as well as a template for a decision-making process. Is an increasing pressure to reduce the important for a successful sales process response time for offers and at the same time to reduce the relatively high expenses created in the company”, white legodo Board Member Marc Koch from numerous consulting projects. And for the solution of the problem is always the same question at the Center how you can automate the processes in the supply management.” The Guide offer management guide gives answers”. It can be downloaded free of charge under Guide angebotsmanagement.

Why spam block is better than usual anti-spam solutions, will be discussed here. (AH) It is about 10 years when the first pests in the form of computer viruses, dialers and advertising email reached the eMail accounts of users. From that time until today the ratio has turned downright real eMails / unwanted eMails. Latest statistics of the ETHA technologies, founder of spam-Sperre.de show that today an average 96% of eMails in German – mailboxes are undesirable. Spam is dangerous advertising mails are often not easy only advertising, but they carry dangerous free-riders with him.

Computer viruses are the most popular. But also Trojans, backdoors and worms are introduced and secretly send data to the Internet. But even deception emails of called phishing tool Windows Mail – pose a danger that prompt the user to download a software update, or deceptively real looking sides of banks etc. confidential data to enter passwords etc. Spam is time-consuming See through vermullten post input folders takes time and is known to be expensive.

Filter programs are installed, this can be compared with the sort of garbage. Nevertheless remains the fear that important eMails disappear unseen and important jobs will be lost. Therefore check the users from spam filter programs of the so-called Spamverdachtordner not spared. The time seemingly gained must be reinvested so yet. Spam-Sperre.de need no Karantaneordner the accuracy of Spamsperre.de and the refusal of acceptance erparen sorting out that rejected electronic mail remains on the desk of the sender. The technology obliges him to act even in the event of a fault for example, if a virus detects spam-Sperre.de in the eMail sent by him, and to fix the error. Spam Sperre.de refuses to accept by eMull in real time, eMails are checked and rejected. Comparable with a parcel for which the receiver refused. The sender gets his Mail not going on. The imaginary package remains in his Outbox. His mail server with error taught him that the delivery could not be made because inspecting furnished by the recipient through the spam lock of ETHA doesn’t want to take on the eMail. An error message that so everyone knows when he has mistyped the eMail address. EMails are not deleted so and not accepted. Legally no delivery. The fear of lost eMails associated should be thus reassured. Spam-Sperre.de saves traffic and disk space when spam messages are transmitted, incriminate them all intermediate stations. The data of each eMail to happen the DSL / Internet access of the sender and each intermediate server known to be, until she is ready on the mail server of the recipient to pick up. This picks up the mail with his mail program, also its connection through the data is loaded. This has no fast flat rate, pick up eMails including spam can be both time-consuming and expensive. Because spam lock Spam does not to the user in terms of speed and cost benefits. Spam-Sperre.de saves time, money and nerves if the Spamsperre of ETHA finally is the best for the user himself will have to find out. The fact is that the technology of the spam block counteracts the current problems in an excellent way alone through their way of working. The user offers seen only advantages, which proves a really brilliant anti-spam solution spam Sperre.de. Christian Di Lorenzo


“SharePoint offers many possibilities, she introduces you to Halvotec by some Microsoft SharePoint is somewhat flapsig as the eggs legend wool milk sow” means, but is this really true? What are the opportunities of SharePoint for businesses? Areas in which it can be used? What are its advantages and what are the limitations? In the Microsoft SharePoint lecture series 2011 free offered by the software company Halvotec, these questions are clarified. Microsoft SharePoint is an extremely versatile product and offers companies a variety, but that this is accurate, is often difficult to understand due to textual description. The IT service provider Halvotec information services GmbH in Rosenheim in Bavaria, want to change this now. Every last Thursday in the month he offers a free lecture for all those interested, to more closely meet the applications of Microsoft SharePoint. Experienced SharePoint professionals present solutions to the visitors numerous examples and available for questions.

Visitors will know where they can put SharePoint in the enterprise, what problems that can be resolved and what the features of SharePoint. Here, not only the SharePoint Server version is considered. Just the first lecture in January 2011 illuminated the free SharePoint Foundation (formerly known as SharePoint Services) closer. SharePoint Foundation already provides many functions for companies that can be used free of charge. In this presentation, pointed out the possibilities of SharePoint Foundation, represented but also its restrictions to the server version. The other presentations in the ensuing months deal with issues such as document management, business intelligence, project management, process management, and and and… Halvotec offers many companies, seeking new ways of solving their needs, a platform, without any obligation to inform themselves, to get new ideas or to get your questions by professionals answered. All interested parties are friendly invited lectures free of charge to visit. More information about the free SharePoint talks get on the Web site Halvotec under training.

soIT will take medium-sized companies with powerful groupware for an efficient team work technologies from Lubeck ahead soIT, the software and consulting for open source, supports companies in the Midmarket with license-free, “turn-key” solutions for the collaboration within the team. Open-Xchange is the information and knowledge headquarters of companies and combines E-Mail, appointment, contact, and task management with intelligent document management. Open-Xchange is the perfect alternative to the MS Exchange Server or to hosted Exchange and much cheaper! soIT is open xchange on medium-sized companies, educational institutions and public administrations, which are looking for a communications solution that is tailored to their individual needs. Open-Xchange depicts the appointment, task, contact and E-Mail management in a Web interface that is clear and practical. The Open-Xchange server with its range has become a serious competitor for Microsoft’s Exchange Server. On request, soIT extended the solution based on customer-specific requirements with an ERP integration or business figures with traffic light function.

Due to the interfaces that are used in Open-Xchange can be accessed on a variety of other applications. Open-Xchange users can edit next to emails on the way personal appointments, contacts and tasks. Because Open-Xchange supports BlackBerry, iPhone, Nokia and Windows Mobile of also smartphones by HTC, as well as mobile devices using the Android operating system 2.1 and 2.2. To Bernt Penderak, Managing Director of soIT GmbH: With Open-Xchange users get access to all of their business and personal data anytime, anywhere, and with almost any mobile device. Open-Xchange is the central platform for all digital communications. Open, transparent, award-winning and cost-effective.” About soIT soIT GmbH, software and system House in Lubeck, brings over 20 years of experience in the areas of software development and consulting on all major platforms including Windows, UNIX and Linux. soIT convinces with high expertise, comprehensive service and practice-oriented know-how transfer.

The long-term customers include leading companies in the automotive industry, auto parts and plumbing supplies, as well as other industries. The services range from interface programming system technology to individual solutions. Are based on the own products and solutions in the areas of customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning and inventory management, as well as open-source developments. The solutions help to improve work processes within the company, to build fast communication channels, and to provide comprehensive information both inside and field sales as customers, suppliers and partners. Furthermore, management and archiving, ICT and IT-Security operates soIT as a system integrator in the fields of documents. Starting point are hardware based on standard technologies and software solutions from leading vendors like Alfresco Software Ltd, Citrix Systems GmbH, IBM Kaspersky Labs GmbH, Germany GmbH, wincor Nixdorf International GmbH, which cover not only systems and integrate, but also contribute to business process optimization. Bernt Penderak soIT GmbH Spengler str. 6 23556 Lubeck telephone: 0451 / 399 46-0 fax: 0451 / 399 46-32


New partner program provides faster data access and new opportunities for the partners of Utrecht, Netherlands – stellar data recovery B.V.., a global provider of data recovery services and software, has launched an enhanced partner program for the European market. The company had 2009 presented its first partner program, with the IT service providers and IT retailers expanded their business to a data recovery service. Allowing partners to offer the entire range of the data recovery services under their own name or the name of stellar. The partners had so the advantage to use their trusted and well known address in case of data recovery. With the new and improved affiliate program, all customers can send their data recovery cases directly into the online partner environment.

All cases in the context of the new partner program priority be given by the fully automated management. The new program also provides a number of software packages for advanced data recovery partners and customers. The partners of stellar Place data recovery to expand are in a unique position, all benefits packages make use of and their business with powerful and immediate. The extremely attractive discounts and commissions, which create a financial win-win situation for all parties involved remain part of the partner program”, said Kees Jan Meerman, Chief Operations Officer at stellar data recovery B.V.. The stellar partner program is open to all IT service providers in Europe, for example, in countries such as United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Italy and Spain. About stellar data recovery stellar data recovery on the world of sophisticated data recovery software and data recovery services provides. Stellar has 100, as well as the most comprehensive range of self developed software tools for data recovery Labs with over one hundred F & professionals and experts in data recovery, several clean room of class in most European countries, the United States and India. Stellar offers full Data recovery solutions in all cases of data loss. Contact information: Kees Jan Meerman / Chief operations officer under den Linden 21 10117 Berlin Germany Tel: 030 692 008 300 fax: 030 692 008 309 E-Mail: