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Between yesterday and tomorrow – good living in new five country 20 years after the unification of the two German States the author concludes a bridge with the main character Barbara Redmann between DDR yesterday and the morning in the new Germany. It is this no new unit Tower or forgotten novel, but an entertaining tale about the adventures of radio journalists in the eventful years of turning. The views of the collective scissors in the head of yesterday and the acquired experience with the new not stay without conflict, and so the RADD ranging the findings of positive surprises in the encounter with the Hanoverian journalists Mahler to the confrontation with thinking after Lord of the Manor kind of service providers”from the old Federal States. The gradual displacement of familiar everyday life in radio, difficulties that entails in the reorientation with especially long-established journalist, ends finally but more in an open final. We are not adopted with a happy ending or the usual negative prospects, can ask ourselves how we want to evolve us Jana Merz does not terminate her life with this debut, but remains open for a further commitment to their ideals with this story. Here, Angelina Jolie expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The former journalist is autobiographical trains and places the story in the Mecklenburg. But would Mrs RADD also in Central Germany or Brandenburg can live, love and work.

The consideration is only time – but not non-mobile. Jana Merz strives to understand of the break time, and at the same time openly speaks the contradictions arising from the misdeeds of yesterday and controversial decisions for tomorrow. Their credo is not in addition to, but to interfere. Jana Merz: “between yesterday and tomorrow life in five Neuland” 111 pages paperback price: 11,90 euro appeared in: books on demand GmbH, Norderstedt ISBN 978-3-8391-4041-7 excerpt: when Barbara with the send folder in the boardroom, the editorial staff was already complete.


Wolfgang Rademacher

August 11th, 2016 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

from the television to the page And this is true also on thousands of other borrowers. In other words: each debtor can create what did Wolfgang Rademacher,! Always again tried the television people before the TV to show, on the basis of selected cases that Otto normal Schuldner with its debt problems alone in the world. Really interesting but that knowing how anyone can escape the debt trap of its own power remains hidden the Viewer. So are the most TV curious exactly as smart as before and without any perspective, as they their debt itself can regulate after the broadcast. So, better times the focusing screen can be cold and access to a book. As to”the power of the debtor” by Wolfgang Rademacher.

“There he described everything and for everyone to understand, as everyone finally debt-free” can be. The power of the debtor “shows you exactly those ways which are concealed in the debt programmes. Learn how you behave in the settlement of your debt, and what you need to do, back of the neck to create your liabilities and for a fraction of the actual debt amount. Another of his bestseller, Rescue in the execution,”has a clever escape route, on which anyone can escape legally and without legal help of immediate enforcement. This book proves that it is not necessary, rushed an affidavit (also EV or bankruptcy) to surrender. Wolfgang Rademacher has succeeded by the ordinary means of German law alone, to bite the money-grubbing bailiff for 26 months on granite.

And this is also a trick easily even apply every normal citizen he can once rescue in the enforcement “has read. For real estate owners in payment needs, there are many solutions to avoid or prevent the foreclosure. Save House and yard, an another Advisor Wolfgang Rademacher, enables each person concerned, to save his land and with legal means against the access of banks or protect. The foreclosure is no inevitable fate there is the credo of the book. clever ways to finally debt-free”to be. And if there are indebted entrepreneurs and corporate leaders already in financial intensive care? As far as the money, they come out with Wolfgang r’s advice go bust and start by “quickly back on its feet and unerringly” get out of the debt. With this knowledge, each obligor gives back financial freedom. You must know that no expensive coach, but only the right ways to finally debt-free “.

As you pay off the personal debt Himalayas can Selm. Wolfgang Rademacher had debt. Not just a few. No, no: Right many Majeed had made themselves comfortable on his account, and she squeezed the last remnants of joy from his life. \”We ourselves have this debt mountain as plus post wishing we could have with Gunter Jauchs who wants to be millionaire?\”Show first all quiz questions must correctly answer and it would not have been enough always still in half. Truly would have gone so much through the head in the face of such horrendous debt probably of the caliber of seven funfundsechzig.

Not so for Wolfgang Rademacher. Instead of suicide, the Selmer businessman rather chose the real way out: he grabbed the bull by the horns and set out to pay off his personal debts Himalayas. Piece by piece, year after year. With success. The experience he gained in that time, processed Wolfgang Rademacher to a book: The power the debtor ‘s\”a title, the not is about and should comply with in particular a purpose: make hope. Debt can affect anyone because unfortunately the chances of even once on my own body must feel the debt fate of the author, never were good\”as at present: unemployment and divorce, for example, are just two of the many pitfalls that can tear even prudent contemporaries financially by the feet. When Wolfgang Rademacher debt plight had other reasons: among other things he had lent a high sum of DM to the restructuring of the company as a young man of his employer in youthful naivety and bailed for them.

Unfortunately the lady as a wrong Fuffzigerin turned out to be: his money never saw again Wolfgang Rademacher. He wasn’t his job his creditors also soon go on the other hand. First I put desperately her head in the sand\”, Wolfgang Rademacher admits in retrospect.