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Pablo Jose Hernandez

October 23rd, 2016 / Tags: , , , , / categories: Uncategorized /

In each of the presentations, the length and width of the largest of the Antilles, Camaguey aquatic ballet Acuarium, Dean of the existing ones in the interior of the country, has extraordinarily impressed national viewers and foreign for the originality and quality of its magnificent rhythms executed in water, forming a floating show of particular elegance. There are nine sets of this specialty, of them, two in Camaguey, equal quantity in Havana, and the rest in Varadero, Cienfuegos, Villa Clara, Holguin and Santiago de Cuba in Cuba alone. Members of the aquatic ballet Acuarium, fifth created in Cuba, and the first in the interior of the island, recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of the grouping and are organizing the first National Festival of that specialty, in December 2009, in the city of the big earthenware jars, the provincial capital, about 600 kilometers from Havana. Very well earned headquarters by the prestige that enjoys the company in their demonstrations at national and international events. The distinguished cast Camaguey, it was officially constituted on 2 December 1993 and admitted to performing arts in 2001, released recently show cien x hundred Cuban (alluding to the cultural miscegenation on the island). But its members in the Assembly of Orcas to stalking, piece dedicated to the defense of the environment will be engaged in the coming month of January 2009. Subsequently take to the pool a version based on Romeo and Juliet, in both cases are the scenic creations of the choreographers Pablo Jose Hernandez (director) and Yoemis Lopez.

The company, in its stage start was called mermaids show, because the first dancers were women, hence the original name, but to incorporate men found baptize as Aquarium aquatic ballet. The new format allowed a greater variety of the show, and create in the audience, a sense of satisfaction. Pablo Jose Hernandez has reiterated that what difference those and characterized the rest of aquatic groups across Cuba is that we maintain rather than a folkloric line we turned her, we make representations of different musical genres in the water but his mount is always linked to our roots.