Tag Archive: culture & religion


Photo Exhibition To The Book

March 1st, 2021 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

For a long time, the artist, Grit Scholz, deals intensively with the topic; Female genitals”, Yoni * called. Almost all people have seen through this gate of life, the light of the world. Bausch & Lomb pursues this goal as well. Her book and the exhibition show a natural and self-evident perspective on the Yoni”. The beauty, diversity and uniqueness of the vulva is very clear and playful, but shown without voyeuristic background. The book is to educate, help overcome fears and insecurities and support especially the women themselves to find a natural and unbiased handling of your Yoni. The prologue is written in 8 languages, to allow access to the background and the origin of the book many people countries and across cultures.

The opening of the exhibition in the presence of the author of Grit Scholz starts on Saturday the October at 20:00, travelling exhibition: Kant road 122, Berlin Charlottenburg Palace date for press: October, 19:00, registration under 03384690837 or more Information exhibition period: 01.12 23.12.07 daily 11:00 to 21:00 open admission including a drink of your choice: 3 euro Yoni is the term for the female genitalia in the classical language of the Brahmins, Sanskrit. V.i.S.d.P: Grit Scholz P.o. box 1224, 14806 Belzig Tel. 033846-90837 cell: 0160-8315513 about the book: the book “The gate to life”, which is offered in two different versions, is the debut of Grit Scholz and gave the decisive impulse for the led-Verlag. A book in this way about the female genitals there is no date yet, Grit Scholz would like to invite the vagina all people who are interested in this topic, so for a natural and artistic perspective on the Yoni. The poetry book “Soft I forget the head of battle” is a compilation of collected works of Grit Scholz from the last 25 years. The led-Verlag: With the help of led publishing I, Grit Scholz, books and other print media, want to and Publish multimedia products, dealing with new perspectives on fundamental human issues in all areas and on all levels of being. I’m about transparency, openness and truthfulness.

I would like to invite to look behind it and to have the courage to think differently and feel. Because I am convinced that we humans evolve to the extent and change, as we are able to change our thinking and feeling. This can happen if we become aware of the background of our feeling and creative redesign it. As long as we learn in places that prevent real peace and love with ourselves and others, does not think and feel, the old pattern of pain, suffering, and anguish will be repeated always.



June 7th, 2017 / Tags: , / categories: Uncategorized /

(Published in the Plausus Verlag Bonn) in a funeral not only all-inclusive burials of all kinds are offered comedy film by Erika k Kapeller, but it comes also to relationship crises, disputes, fraud and even murder attempts. The (un)-heimlich in her boss fell Secretary can’t stand his wife on the death. This in turn has a secret relationship with her psychiatrist, who is none in reality. The Chief must fight not only with the lunatic antics of his wife around, but feels even at night while he sleepwalks, threatened by an ominous nun, what him almost into madness drives – what is quite planned… This comedy is performed by stage in Austria and Germany since 2006.

The premiere of 2006 went with the Theatre Ensemble mixing grace (www.mischkulanz.at.tf) in Spittal/Drau, Carinthia, above the stage. The author of the piece played a female role and acted as Director. Following played among others Theatre date this piece: HOFHEIMER CARNEVAL CLUB (Lower Franconia), theatre group small and funny (lower Austria), mystery boxes (Schleswig-Holstein), theatre group Gross-Engersdorf (lower Austria). Currently following group the “darkness of nun” samples: TiV – Theatre at the Volkshaus – Rohlinghausen (North Rhine-Westphalia) and the Theatre Ensemble of MELANGE (www.theatermelange.at) – the premiere go soon “Boards, which mean the world”.