
Itabira West

April 7th, 2014 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

The contained volume of water in accordance with varies the size of the fiction and the hydraulical condutividade if of the one by means of the interconnection of these imperfections. Generally it is aqufero that possesss a thick mantle of alteration and water of excellent quality (potable). It is constituted by igneous and metamrficas rocks that arise in the ferrfero Quadrilateral. It is verified, in small ratio, the presence of crsticos aquferos in dolomitos, however little developed, had low the dissolution of the dolomticas rocks. The mixing aqufero is, predominantly constituted of metamrficas rocks, whose action of the intemperismo provided a secondary intergranular porosity to the fissurais spaces. It can be verified in the Formations Cau and Cercadinho to the west of the city (IBRAM, 2003).

From PICTURE 1, the characteristics of the systems of aquferos are synthetically verified to granulate, fissurados and mixing, and the occurrence region. For these data, one sees that most of the city presents low potential for underground water use, as it can be observed of (FIG. 4). Picture 1? Characterization of the aquferos systems of Itabirito.Sistema geologic aquferoUnidadeUnidade associadRegio and percentage of occurrence in the municpioPotencial hidrogeolgicoQualidade of the aluvial guasGranularSedimentos and coluviaisDepsitos aluvionares and of terraces, sand, silte, clay and gravel. Coluviais detrticas coverings. About 3% of occurrence in regions esparsas the west, next the Mountain range to the Currency. AltoBoFissuradoRochas metapelticas, xistosas, quartzticas, igneous and metamrficas of high degree. Aquferos crsticos.

Supergroup Mines (Group Caraa, Piracicaba, Itabira. Supergroup River of the Old ones (New Group Rasp, Schemes). Complex Bao (gnaisses),31% granite-gnaissico – region of the Bao Complex. 36% shale – adjacent region to the Bao, limited the west for the Mountain range of the Currency. 12% quartzitos – the northeast is placed predominantly. 5% crstico in dolomitos. – region of the Mountain range of the Moeda.BaixoBoMistoRochas itabirticas and quartzticas. Itabiritos of the Group Itabira – Fm Cau and Piracicaba – Fm Cercadinho,12% itabiritos and quartzitos – portion west.

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