
Biological Sciences

July 27th, 2013 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Using the breaking game heads for the education of Biological Sciences Renata Rafaela Alves Gomes Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North, Center of Biocincias, Department of Physiology – PIBID? Institucional program of Stock markets of Initiation to the Docncia? Av. Salty Senator son, University Campus New Lagoon, CEP: 59072-970? Natal/RN – Brazil Summary the education and learning of Biology sufficiently leave to desire in the proposal pedagogical traditional. This model applied in classroom is seen as ones of the causes of the dispersion of the pupils around the education, who see as something to it tedious and insignificant. Therefore, one of the great challenges of the current education, either in Biology or other areas, is to awake the interest, curiosity and attention of the pupil. Recognizing this difficulty, it has each time more the necessity of the application of playful in the education process the learning.

Ahead of this, the objective of this work was to produce a game that assists the professor and facilitates the setting of the content for the pupil. The game is one ' ' citolgico&#039 breaks head; ' composition for thirty and two parts which approaches organelas and other pertinent components to the cell. The pupils will go to learn on cytology of a different and amused form, having for that to stimulate the reasoning, memory, logic, patience, and knowledge. For the professor, the game is a model that can be modified to use it on of other subjects of Biology. The game was applied in the School State Travelling Jnior, Christmas-RN, and evaluated for fifteen pupils had used who it. The majority of the students liked it game because it found it amused and it made with that they remembered previously of the given content. The perspective is to spread out the game for more pupils and professors to get itself resulted ampler.

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