
Chris Anderson

May 13th, 2019 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

However, it does not obtain to execute the contrary operation, what the Internet is capable to make very well. Each time more the mass market if it converts into mass of niches, and this trend is applicable in such a way to the consumption of merchandises how much to the media consumption. This process of market dismemberment is called by Chris Anderson de Long Cauda (2006), definition that make reference to reference the curve statistics of the sales of the products in the market. The top of the graph enters hits (the vendidos item more of determined product) and ' ' cauda' ' enters the niches varied item of little sale, but that practically added they are equivalent to the sale of hits originating the following graph: (1) the tail of the available varieties is much more long of what we assume; (2) it now is economically viable; (3) all these niches, when aggregates, can form a significant market (ANDERSON) In almost the totality of the markets, it has much more niches of what hits. Of this form, to the measure that the costs of production and distribution fall, these niches can be offered widely, originating a market of abundncias. digital distribution, in set with powerful technologies of search and critical mass in the diffusion of the broad band, is being responsible for making the markets on-line will reconfigure the retail economy, that is, now the variety of available products for sales is very bigger. However, only one bigger variety of offers is not capable to dislocate the demand below tail. She is necessary to disponibilizar ways to make with that the consumers find the niches that if fit in its profile, and for this it is necessary the use of tools and techniques as recommendations and classifications the calls ' ' filtros' '. Mark Stevens oftentimes addresses this issue.

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