
Civil Products

September 5th, 2020 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

As consumers and users we are continually bombarded by ads and commercial proposals in all possible media, prompting us to purchase certain products or services, allegedly with numerous benefits to our everyday life. However, we are very little awareness about the serious dangers that some of these products could entail for our health and well-being. In effect, are very rare occasions in which the media echo of the many cases that take place on consumers who suffer some type of damage, personal or patrimonial, after making use of a particular product or service. Although the public powers of the different countries and their consumer authorities carried out a great work of research and surveillance, with regular withdrawals of certain products which, due to their characteristics, could be hazardous to the health of consumers, many times these end up reaching the same, consummating the damage. It is precisely in the face this type of cases by what in the different legal systems will provide for specific standards of protection to consumers and users, establishing himself as a generalized principle the responsibility of the manufacturer or distributor (importer) for defects in products and services put into circulation.

The same would lead in case of cause personal or property damage to them, their obligation to repair such damage. Products and conflicting services there are certain products and services that are often star in this type of cases of damage to consumers and users. Among others are the following:-articles destined for children, normally be made with toxic materials or small parts that they could end up accidentally swallowing. -Food products. -Correlatively to the earlier establishments of hospitality, for example by outbreaks of salmonellosis. -Electronic products, for failures in its components and possible short circuits.

-Automobiles and their components, primarily due to its high degree of current sophistication and by the strong competition between the manufacturers, being very frequent that these should call review models of vehicles by faults in its design or manufacture. -Drugs and herbal products. Some in particular, such as thinning substances, usually occur with special incidence in these cases. In any case, for the consumer who had suffered injury because of the above, or other product or service different; It will be open to the possibility of bringing a lawsuit for Civil liability, through which you can receive adequate to your damage compensation. And if the defectiveness of all products of the same type are determined, cited consumer authorities could order the withdrawal of them on the market. And all this with the purpose of that as users we can feel safe to ask the acquisition of certain assets.

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