

August 31st, 2016 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

After my clarification, what is organic chemistry, is convinced that "easy transfer of them do not bring, because they are working with large companies that have their own interpreters, so they often only give to translate complex orders. In general, I realized that they were experts in complex texts, only the price is a bit confused, as compared with the previous company: for 1000 marks the finished text of 28 hryvnia, ie in terms of 1800 characters bude price is already 50 hryvnia. Production times were the same – 7-8 days. From what I have concluded that the week – this is the normal time for the translation of this volume text and in the future is already focused on this period of production order. I was even glad that everything is just going.

All are pleasant to talk to and polite. Will only have to compare prices. And then I called the translation "Deir". Slowness of response of my interlocutor my box. Inquired, to find out anything was possible only "fishing expedition" by the way, and knowing that he has in mind. Remember that they are working with 10 to 19. Yes, in principle, and all The main idea is not caught and almost forgot what called something myself. He jumped in his conversation with phrases in the phrase, it is unclear why invited come to the office and talked for a long time, where the office is located, and how to drive, although before that, we seem to have discussed the possibility to work on the Internet, and payment transfer.

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