
Reproductive Physiology

December 8th, 2020 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Reproductive physiology of the Birds? One Soon Revision Gester Breda Aguiar ; Jairo Ardizzom Brumatti ; Vitor Dalmazo Melotti ; Stelio Simes Moral ; Fausto Moreira Da Silva Carmo , – Academic of the course of Medicine Veterinary medicine of the College of Castle, FACASTELO. – Professor of the College of Castle, FACASTELO. – D.Sc. Reproductive Zootecnia.Fisiologia FmeasO feminine genital system of the birds is composed for a ovrio and one oviduto, that they be situated of the left side of the abdominal socket of the bird. The development of the left side only occurs because the inhibiting substance production of ducto of Mller (origin of oviduto) for the ovrio results in regression of ducto right and the right ovrio, but not of the left. Ducto left pparently is protected by presenting bigger number of receivers for estrognio, being thus, more sensible to the estrognio that ducto right. Pparently the estrognio hinders the inhibiting substance action it ducto of Mller (RUTZ, et al.

2007). ovrio of mammals and birds is differed enters itself. In the mammals, diverse folculos can inside ovular at one definitive moment of an interval of some days or weeks, whereas in the birds only folculo ovula and vulo (egg yolk) is set free, but inside of a shorter interval (preferential every day). Moreover, in view of that the embryo must get all the nutrients for the embryonic development, vulo mature of birds is very bigger that of mammals. In the birds, the great and yellow folculos, destined the ovulao are organized inside of a hierarchy. The control of the hierarchy to folicular that it allows the daily ovulao is established by the small folculos (6 8 mm). Folculo yellow that to exceed 8 mm in diameter, he enters in hierarchy, he continues to develop and ovula (JOHNSON, 1993). One of the main functions of the ovrios is the hormone production esterides, essentials for the growth and function of the reproductive treatment.

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