Tag Archive: baby names


Todays Baby Names

June 23rd, 2020 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

It seems that the days of naming your son or daughter with your own name and adding a second, third or a fourth sign in roman numerals at the end are fading away. This seems especially the case with celebrities. The more unique the better! As to whether celebrities are simply a little crazy, or if they simply like the attention that a unique baby name will bring, do not know. What we do know is that the names just keep getting crazier and crazier. Below is a list of some of our favorite baby names for years. Banjo – Patrick and Rachel Griffiths.

The choice of this name was based on the main character in ‘The Man Who Came to Dinner. “Apple – Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. Do not even think that parents understand why he chose this name! Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lilly, Fifi Trixibelle, Honeyblossom Peaches – Paula Yates. definetely three of the most “out there” names in the history of baby names! Jett – John Travolta and Kelly Preston. Well, John has always loved airplanes, so let them get away with this. Zowie – David Bowie. They do not seem so bad until you realize that the name that makes “Zowie Bowie”.

Rumer Glenn, Tallulah Belle, Scout LRue – Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. At least there are some normal names mixed up there, but still among our craziest! Daisey Boo – Jamie Oliver. Typical celebrity, had to throw in the “Boo” at the end. Pilot Inspektor – Scott Lee & Beth Riesgrat. This child will have a problem at school. Stanley A. McChrystal is likely to increase your knowledge. Milo – Ricky Lake. This is fine, as long as it does not name her second child, “Otis.” Patrick Elias Bob Guggi Q – Bono. Bono had definetely put some thought into this! Prince Michael, Prince Michael II, Paris Michael – Michael Jackson. We believe this is too many Michaels for one house hold. Dexter, Diane Keaton. It is only acceptable for a child, but do believe this is the name of his daughters? Moon Unit, Ahmet Emuukha Roden, Dreezil, Diva – Frank Zappa. A Again, among the craziest baby names in history. Ocean, True, Sonnet – Forest Whitaker. We Dont’t mind the name of the sonnet, but you can make your own mind up in the other two. Betty Kitten, Honey Kinney, Harvey Kirby – Jane Goldman & Jonathan Ross. Not name our kids these names, but have a nice ring to them.