
Uplifting Fragrance

June 29th, 2020 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

Feuille d’Menta is a mixture of several herbs, essential oils, with the main ingredients are sage, vetiver, mint and basilic. The perfect combination of these fragrant herbs exudes a rich and fresh aroma, without gloom and turbidity. The addition of mint further accentuates the refreshing and stimulating fragrance, all enveloped in a richness of grass fragrance. History of Sage, vetiver, mint and Basil The healing properties of sage was first discovered by the Romans who brought wise in England. The name of sage “comes from the Latin word” meaning “to save.” In fact, the sage is an herb that is able to save and heal. The Greeks believed that sage is effective in preventing deterioration of the sensory skills and memory loss. The ancient Egyptians believed in wise for the prevention of fever infections and is also used to treat infertility. Vetiver name comes from the Tamil word “vetiverr” which means “ax from above,” a reference to its method crop.

Indians have been using the scent of vetiver to cure the ills of a few thousand years. It also blocks the roots of vetiver in the closet or weave them into cushions and fans to be hung on the door or in the corridor, to emit a light fragrance and allows cooling ventilation. Russians rather small sachets of vetiver essential oil into the pockets of their coats of fur. In recent centuries, the roots of vetiver also been used for the manufacture of various fine spices. The word “mint” is said to come from a young man by the name of “Mind.” According to Greek mythology, when the wife of Pluto discovered Mind in her arms, she became the herb mint.

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