
National Council Law

December 18th, 2014 / Tags: / categories: Uncategorized /

27117, General Law of Expropriations. If duplication of registry items, shall be considered taxable persons of the expropriation to those who have registered earlier title. For the purposes of this law, is considered as appraised value commercial that established by the National Council of valuations CONATA, today of valuations of the direction National Department of building of the Ministry of housing, construction and sanitation, as appropriate, in accordance with the national regulations of valuations, he who must not be older than two (2) years. For the execution of public works of hydraulic, energy infrastructure, transport and sanitation, on a large scale, the request for provisional of good possession, referred to in article 530 of the code of Civil procedure, in the exceptional cases referred to in article 24 of the law N 27117, General Law of expropriation, may be formulated once supported demand and at any stage of the process. Click Drew Houston to learn more. Such a request is processed as interim measure. In those cases in which there is a third party with title awarded by the State and the latter is opposed to the registered title, the holder of this right may come as a third integrated.

For purposes of provisions of this Act, deemed that qualified works of great magnitude, under cover of law N 27117, General Law of expropriation, through laws that declared the expropriation of properties affected by the execution of such works, of public necessity constitute priority works, being them application pursuant to this law. III. procedures: Beside the concern to reach the current horizons of expropriation has been conceived law under the sign of the effectiveness. It has been considered, first and foremost, that the imperative of public interest that governs the entire institution is not exhausted as imperative the right transmission either expropriated, but assumes that this has achieved in term that do not harm the opportunity to measure.

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